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Nothing can be accomplished without manners

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年12月17日 11:27 新浪财经



A reader sent me an e-mail last week urging me to entersintosthe festive spirit by being more positive. Please, he asked, could I abandon the knocking copy and tell readers about the books and articles that I had enjoyed most over the past year?


This is one of the additional stresses of Christmas: not only do you work harder, you have to try to be a better person, too. It is particularly tricky when you write about management fads: the negative is in such lavishly abundant supply that tracking down the positive can be harder than searching for the elusive perfect Christmas present for one's spoilt children.


So I was intending to ignore his plea until I opened the Harvard Business Review and stumbled on the best article on management that I have read not just this year but this century. Christmas or no, I want to share it with everyone.

    这些观点既不来自于企业经理,也非业界权威。她是茱迪斯•马丁(Judith Martin),也即人们熟悉的礼仪小姐。她是个专栏作家,指导美国人的举手投足。有关采访她的文章刊登在《哈佛商业评论》的12月期刊上。

The source of these ideas is neither manager nor guru. She is Judith Martin, aka Miss Manners, who writes columns telling Americans how to behave, and she is interviewed in the December issue.

    她认为,办公室里新的礼仪时代已经到来。她说,杰克•韦尔奇(Jack Welch)推行无界线企业,那是百分百错误的想法。我们需要界线,而且需要很多。

She argues that the time has come for a new formality at work. Jack Welch was 100 per cent wrong in aiming for the boundaryless corporation, she says. What we need are boundaries - and lots of them.


I realise this is what I have been longing to read for years. I have had enough of informality. Enough of we're-just-a-big-happy-family. Enough first names. Enough polo shirts and chinos. Enough my-door-is-always-open. More than enough bonding sessions.


What I want now are fixed boundaries and a system of business etiquette that we can all rely on. I want manners.


Man has always depended on ritual. Yet, according to Miss Manners, every 200 years or so there is a "naturalistic" movement that tries to sweep it away. Yet manners always come back eventually. They are particularly important at work as they enable us to package our ugly emotions in a way that is palatable to others.


For the past two decades we have been in the thick of a naturalist revolution at work. Management and human resources experts have largely dismantled the machinery of corporate manners and have defended this destructive process with the claim that informality makes us more honest and more flexible. Miss Manners's reply to this is that there is quite enough honesty in the office, anyway.


I could not agree more. There are all sorts of small truths I simply do not wish to know, such as precisely what my colleagues think of me. And on the big truths - the ones that bosses need to know but tend never to find out - it is not manners that stop people speaking up, it is fear that honesty will cost them their jobs.


Miss Manners rails against the pseudo-friendliness that now dominates office life and ridicules the argument that if we like each other a lot, we will behave better. A glance at how husbands and wives behave towards each other shows that this simply is not the case.


She also thinks the absence of rules is to blame for the mess we are in over sexual harassment. As there is no etiquette that makes office flirting unacceptable, we rely instead on the law, a hopelessly blunt and destructive implement.


According to her, the only people who know how to behave towards each other are - oddly enough - those who areshavingsan office affair but do not want their colleagues to find out. Only they are scrupulous about maintaining a professional aloofness. Whether the corollary is that we should all imagine ourselves to be engaged in secret affairs with everyone in the office, she does not say. The thought is not a pleasing one. Indeed, it is rude in the extreme.


Otherwise she has some good, sound rules. 1. Bosses should not buy their secretaries presents. The only acceptable reward for a job well done is money. 2. Nobody should ever go on an office retreat. This is fantastic advice and cannot be said often enough. Nothing makes you despise your colleagues more than spending a weekend together sharing "truths" about yourselves in a plush country house hotel somewhere. 3. Business entertaining is a contradiction in terms. "Asking people to labour without pay is not fair. Worse, it cutssintostheir personal lives," she says. This woman is fantastic.


The only thing wrong with her argument is that she does not go far enough. The new informality is generally supposed to make us like our jobs more. The friendliness is meant to make us happier. In fact, it surely makes us like our work less. The blurring of divisions between work and home lulls us sintosa sense that work is going to be as actively enjoyable as leisure. Judged thus, it is always going to fall short. If, instead, we viewed work as an isolated realm with its own precise rules, I suspect we would find greater satisfaction.


My hope - and here I am showing a seasonally Pollyanna-ish streak - is that manners and formality are on the way back, after 20 years in the corporate wilderness. Admittedly the signs are small but they are there if you look for them hard enough.


Many of the e-mails I now get are laid out like formal letters. Sloppy lower-case ones are becoming a rarity. Office dress is possibly getting a bit smarter. And the very fact that the HBR is giving so much space to a fusty stickler for form such as Miss Manners in itself says something. Two or three years ago - at the height of the work-is-fun craze - her excellent good sense would have been simply too subversive to be published in a respectable magazine.





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