
2021年09月15日 14:38 中国石化新闻网


  中国石化新闻网讯 据ICIS-MRC网站9月13日莫斯科报道,据POWER称,雪佛龙准备收购先进清洁能源储存项目(Advanced Clean Energy Storage)的股权。该项目是一个正在发展中的绿色氢枢纽中心,可支持超过1吉瓦的电解设施,并将其生产的5500公吨绿色氢储存在犹他州Delta附近的盐洞中。

  这家综合能源巨头于9月9日宣布,同意通过其雪佛龙新能源部门“在一个框架内”收购由三菱美洲电力公司和Magnum Development于2019年组建的合资企业ACES Delta的股权,拥有先进的清洁能源储存项目。雪佛龙、Magnum和三菱电力目前正在就雪佛龙参与合资的最终文件进行谈判。

  这是三菱电力(当时称为三菱日立电力系统)和Magnum于2019年推出的绿色氢枢纽中心取得进展的另一个显著迹象。该项目主要包括 Magnum Salt Dome 上方和内部的一系列设施,这是一个由层状盐矿构造发育而成的地质构造,地震测绘表明其厚度至少为一英里,宽约三英里。 Magnum 目前已经在该地层运营着五个用于储存液体燃料的盐洞。


  雪佛龙新能源部门总裁杰夫·古斯塔夫森(Jeff Gustavson)表示,对雪佛龙而言,与先进清洁能源储存项目合作的潜力为其提供了“一个令人兴奋的机会”,这将“提供一个可扩展的平台”,旨在为其客户提供“价格合理、可靠且更清洁的能源”,他称,这家石油和天然气巨头创建的该部门“是为了在氢等领域发展新的具有竞争力的业务线。”


  郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


  Chevron to acquire an equity interest in Mitsubishi Power and Magnum Green Hydrogen Hub in Utah

  Chevron is poised to acquire an equity interest in the Advanced Clean Energy Storage project, a developing green hydrogen hub that could support more than 1 GW of electrolysis facilities and store 5,500 metric tonnes of their produced green hydrogen in salt caverns near Delta, Utah, according to POWER.

  The integrated energy giant on Sept. 9 announced that it agreed, through its Chevron New Energies division, “on a framework” to acquire an equity interest in ACES Delta, a 2019-formed joint venture between Mitsubishi Power Americas and Magnum Development that owns the Advanced Clean Energy Storage project. Chevron, Magnum, and Mitsubishi Power are currently negotiating definitive documentation outlining Chevron’s participation in the joint venture.

  The development is another notable sign of progress for the green hydrogen hub, which Mitsubishi Power (then known as Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems) and Magnum unveiled in 2019. The project essentially comprises a series of facilities above and within the Magnum Salt Dome, a geologic formation that was tectonically developed from a bedded salt deposit, and which seismic mapping suggests measures at least one mile thick and about three miles wide. Magnum already currently operates five salt caverns at the formation for liquid fuels storage.

  Chevron, Magnum, and Mitsubishi Power said in a joint statement on Thursday that Chevron will bring its “footprint and expertise” in the transportation and industrial sectors to the project. Chevron is already working to “build demand for hydrogen—and the technologies that support it - in heavy-duty transportation and industrial sectors in which greenhouse gas emissions are hard to abate,” the company said.

  For Chevron, the potential to partner on the Advanced Clean Energy Storage project presents “an exciting opportunity” that would “provide a scalable platform” to supply its customers with “affordable, reliable and ever-cleaner energy,” said Jeff Gustavson, president of Chevron New Energies, a division that he said the oil and gas giant created “to grow new competitive business lines in areas like hydrogen.”

  Chevron’s participation, however, provides a new financing dimension for the green hydrogen hub. When launched in 2019, the project was estimated to cost USD1 billion.

雪佛龙 犹他州 New







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