INPEX将向TOHO GAS提供碳中性液化天然气

INPEX将向TOHO GAS提供碳中性液化天然气
2021年09月15日 14:38 中国石化新闻网

原标题:INPEX将向TOHO GAS提供碳中性液化天然气

  中国石化新闻网讯 据天然气资讯9月13日消息称,INPEX公司(INPEX)宣布,已就INPEX运营的Ichthys液化天然气项目的一批LNG进行碳中和安排,将其供应给TOHO GAS公司(TOHO GAS)。碳中和液化天然气的装运预计将于2021年9月18日抵达日本爱知县赤田市赤田液化天然气终端。


  INPEX在其2021年1月宣布的商业发展战略——到2050年实现净零碳社会中,已经设定了到2050年实现自身净零碳排放的目标。从项目到TOHO GAS的碳中性液化天然气运输与这一战略相一致,有助于减少INPEX上游业务的二氧化碳排放,以及INPEX整个价值链的二氧化碳减排努力。INPEX将积极参与能源结构改革,到2050年实现净零碳社会,同时履行其长期能源发展和稳定供应的责任。

  朱佳妮 摘译自 天然气资讯


  INPEX to supply TOHO GAS with carbon-neutral LNG

  INPEX CORPORATION (INPEX) announced that it has made carbon neutral arrangements for a shipment of LNG from the INPEX-operated Ichthys LNG Project to be supplied to TOHO GAS Co., Ltd. (TOHO GAS). The shipment of carbon-neutral LNG is expected to arrive at Chita LNG Terminal in Chita City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, on 18 September 2021.

  The carbon footprint of the LNG shipment has been offset using carbon credits applied to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the entire natural gas supply chain including upstream production, liquefaction, transportation, regasification, marketing, and combustion by customers in Japan. The carbon credits used to offset the shipment’s carbon footprint meet the Verified Carbon Standard deriving from GHG reduction efforts at global forest conservation projects, etc.

  INPEX has set goals to achieve its own net zero carbon emissions by 2050, as outlined in its Business Development Strategy - Towards a Net Zero Carbon Society by 2050 announced in January 2021.The carbon-neutral LNG shipment from the project to TOHO GAS is aligned with this strategy and contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions from INPEX’s upstream operations as well as to CO2 reduction efforts across INPEX’s entire value chain. INPEX will proactively engage in energy structure reforms towards the realisation of a net zero carbon society by 2050 while fulfilling its responsibility for the development and stable supply of energy over the long-term.

液化天然气 carbon 天然气







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