
2018年11月02日 15:44 新浪财经-自媒体综合



调查显示,10月28日凌晨,公交公司早班车驾驶员冉某(男,42岁,万州区人)离家上班, 9时35分,乘客刘某在龙都广场四季花城站上车,其目的地为壹号家居馆站。由于道路维修改道,22路公交车不再行经壹号家居馆站。当车行至南滨公园站时,驾驶员冉某提醒到壹号家居馆的乘客在此站下车,刘某未下车。当车继续行驶途中,刘某发现车辆已过自己的目的地站,要求下车,但该处无公交车站,驾驶员冉某未停车。10时3分32秒,刘某从座位起身走到正在驾驶的冉某右后侧,靠在冉某旁边的扶手立柱上指责冉某,冉某多次转头与刘某解释、争吵,双方争执逐步升级,并相互有攻击性语言。10时8分49秒,当车行驶至万州长江二桥距南桥头348米处时,刘某右手持手机击向冉某头部右侧,10时8分50秒,冉某右手放开方向盘还击,侧身挥拳击中刘某颈部。随后,刘某再次用手机击打冉某肩部,冉某用右手格挡并抓住刘某右上臂。10时8分51秒,冉某收回右手并用右手往左侧急打方向(车辆时速为51公里),导致车辆失控向左偏离越过中心实线,与对向正常行驶的红色小轿车(车辆时速为58公里)相撞后,冲上路沿、撞断护栏坠入江中。


















有一个女司机开着一辆载着乘客的客车行驰在盘山公路上。客车上三名歹徙居然盯上 漂亮的女司机,强迫中巴停下,要带女司机下车去“玩玩”, 女司机情急呼救,全车乘客噤若寒蝉。 只有一中年瘦弱男子应声奋起,却被打伤在地。男子气极.奋起 大呼全车人制止暴行,却无人响应.任凭女司机被拖至山林草丛。半个时辰后,三歹徒与衣衫不整的女司机归来。

车又将行,女司机要被打伤流血的瘦弱男子下车。男子不肯,倔持起来。 “喂,你下车吧,我的车不拉你!” 中年男子急了,说:“你这人怎么不讲道理,我想救你还错吗?” “你救我?你救我什么了?”女司机矢口否认,引得几个乘客窃笑。 中年男子气极,恨自已身无大侠之力!救人未救成,可也不该得此亡被驱逐下车的结果呀,他坚决不下。 “再说我买票了,我有权坐车!” 女司机扬起脸无情地说:“不下车,我就不开。” 没想到的是,满车刚才还对暴行熟视无睹的乘客们,却如刚刚睡醒般,齐心协力地劝那男子下车:“你快下去吧,我们还有事呢,耽搁不起!”有几位力大的乘客甚至想上前拖这中年男子下车,使人想起莫泊桑笔 下《羊脂球》里的情节。 三个歹徒咧着嘴笑.得意地笑了。其中有个黑皮无赖毫不知耻地说:“哥们把她玩恣了!”另外两个歹徒也胡言乱语:“她是我对象,关你屁事!”一场争吵,直到那男 子的行李从车窗扔出,他随后被推搡而下。 汽车又平稳地行驶在山路上,女司机掠了一下头发,按响了录音机。 车快到山顶,拐过弯去就要下山了,车左侧是劈山开的路,右侧是百丈悬崖。汽车悄悄地加速了,女司机脸上十分平静,双手紧握着方向盘,眼睛里淌出晶莹的泪水。 一歹徒似乎觉察到了什么,说:“慢点开,慢点开, 你***想干什么?” 女司机并不说话,车速越来越快。歹徒企图扑上去抢方向盘,汽车却像离弦的箭向悬崖冲去.. 

第二天,当地报纸报道:伏虎山区昨日发生惨祸,一中巴摔下山崖。车上司机和十三名乘客无一生还。 半路被赶下车的中年人看到报纸哭了。谁也不知道他哭什么,为什么哭!

平点金基已关联讯飞快读基金 小程序~


Chongqing bus case, you want to know all in this!

After a detailed investigation, the Chongqing public transport case, which was generally concerned by the Chinese, finally gave the people of the whole country a very satisfactory conclusion. Note that I am talking about satisfactory investigations and objective conclusions. The final conclusion is not only detailed in the text, but also a video that can prove the facts. After the conclusion came out, although there were many discussions on the Internet, basically no one questioned the police's work. It can be said that the police have won the trust of the people with their rigorous professional work ability. There is no doubt about the restoration of the consequences before and after the entire event.

According to the investigation, on the morning of October 28, the bus company’s early bus driver Zou (male, 42 years old, Wanzhou District) left home to work. At 9:35, passenger Liu got on the bus at the Four Seasons Flower City Station in Longdu Square. The destination is the nickname home building station. Due to the modification of the road dimension, the No. 22 bus no longer passes through the No. 1 home pavilion. 

When the car went to Nanbin Park Station, the driver reminded the passengers of the nickname home hall to get off at this station, and Liu did not get off. While the car continued to drive, Liu found that the vehicle had passed his destination station and asked to get off, but there was no bus stop at the place, and the driver did not stop. At 10:3:32, Liu got up from the seat and walked to the right rear side of the driving car. He blamed Zou on the handrail column next to Zhai, and he repeatedly explained and argued with Liu.

The dispute escalated gradually and there were mutually aggressive language. 10:8:49, when the car traveled to the WAN of the Yangtze River in Wanzhou, 348 meters away from the South Bridge, Liu right hand holding the phone to the right side of the head, 10:8:50,  some right hand to open the steering wheel Counterattack, sideways swinging boxing in Liu's neck. Subsequently, Liu once again hit the shoulder with a mobile phone, and he used a right hand to block and grab Liu’s right upper arm.

 At 10:8:51, Zou took back his right hand and used his right hand to the left side of the direction (the speed of the vehicle was 51 kilometers), causing the vehicle to run out of control and deviate to the left over the center line, and the red car (normal vehicle speed) After a collision of 58 kilometers), it rushed to the roadside and crashed into the guardrail and fell into the river.

Throughout the incident, most people thought that the female passenger was wrong: he might not know that the bus had been diverted, and the driver had already reminded him, but he did not pay attention to it or he did not feel that the driver was right. When I found the mistake, I didn’t find the reason from myself. I actually made an unreasonable request. When I was not satisfied, I was both noisy and embarrassed. I also rushed to the front to play the driver, which eventually led to tragedy. Not only did I send my life, but I also suffered other The life of the car.

Some netizens said: Do you have to be careful about female passengers besides being careful about female drivers? In this case, due to the obvious gender discrimination nature, it was slammed by female compatriots. In fact, regardless of men and women, because of the locks that have harmed the lives of innocent people, there are cases, so this case alone boils down to the fact that female passengers are dangerous people, apparently untenable.

I can only say that this female passenger is really too much for me. Your own wishes are greater than all laws and regulations. As long as someone does not perform according to their own wishes, they want to physically eliminate each other. This is a very brutal and self-expanding idea. If our education is to educate people to be equal in life, everyone must respect the rules. The rules are the bottom line of everyone's wishes and respect the power of others to act in accordance with their own wishes within the law.

As for the bus driver, whether it is dereliction of duty or not, everyone has a lot of controversy. One opinion is that he should not repay his mouth and should resist patience and stick to his post. Others estimated that he was seriously irritated to the female passengers, and that the female passengers rushed to the front to quarrel and start. 

Because this piece of detail is not enough, it is difficult to judge, but I personally feel that he has reminded the passengers in the car to get off the front, but the passenger did not follow the prompts. In return, he also asked himself to violate the regulations and did not follow her requirements. If you do it, you will be very angry. This matter has to be put on your own. Can you guarantee that you will not be able to repay your mouth with good intentions? In fact, anything that requires a party to be a saint is unrealistic.

A lawyer who has been fighting for a lifetime has told me that from the perspective of handling a case, the person has resisted being a victim and has become a defendant without holding back!

This is a very realistic judicial environment, and it is emphasized that the good people will endure and condone the wicked. For example, this driver, we can imagine that if the female passenger hits him with a mobile phone, he can resist holding his hand, his head will definitely be injured, and he will become a victim of violence; he will not hold back, or stop to call this woman Don, he became the accused, or else he is doing the same now.

So, is there a better way? Some netizens said that Canada's approach is better. In this case, for example, when the driver starts to quarrel, the driver can drive the car to a safe place to escape, or ring the alarm, and the police car will catch up to take the perpetrators away.

Through this matter, I sincerely hope that we can have such an arrangement in the management of public transportation.

Others said that the driver was angry because of the quarrel, and deliberately slammed the direction to the left and killed a car. This matter, I analyzed from two aspects, I feel that it is unlikely. One is that this driver's nature is still quite optimistic. On the day of the incident, he also happily uploaded two songs he sang. People who usually like to sing are still more passionate about life. They are not going to die for a little thing.

The second is that I have experience in driving myself. From other people's cases and the driver's video, we can see that this possibility does not exist. In my personal judgment, it is very likely that the direction of the slamming direction is a sense of loss of direction. If the driver in the video has been talking to the right person all the time and greeted the fight, it is easy to feel that the car is also on the right. The direction of the fierce is instinctively corrected. Therefore, the driver's head can't be chaotic during the driving process. The pilot has to train the head to be biased and has a sense of direction. The movie "Nothing to Ask about West" has been seen before, and the pilot has to be in the steel ring. Turn around and know where you are going. And these people have to choose, the natural direction will be very good, the average person turns twice, the sense of direction is chaotic.

Others said that passengers can't be seen as visitors in the future. This is really right, although from this woman's rushing to the car accident, less than a minute before and after (can pay attention to the time above the female passengers to the wreck), other passengers stop the tragedy in such a short time It is unlikely. However, if from the beginning of the quarrel, passengers will be able to come out and dissuade them in time. In particular, if the female passengers walk from behind to the driver to argue, they should be separated as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of further physical conflict between the two.

In this regard, it is actually a relatively simple and feasible way to stop the cab. Some people suggested that public security personnel should be guarded, so the labor cost is too high, and it is not advisable to invest such a high cost for a small probability. When the bus is very crowded, this person may not be able to play a role. 

Of course, more importantly, this case also reminds us that in fact we are all communities of interest in the same boat. Some things seem to have nothing to do with you, but if you always choose to stand by, it is likely that your interests will be destroyed. This is the fire of the city gate, the misfortune of the pool fish.

The lessons of the past, the teacher of the aftermath, hope that each of us and our managers can learn from this matter and avoid the tragedy of the same kind.









女司机 女乘客 乘客





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