分析人士们正在关注香港金融体系的资金规模与当地借贷成本之间的相互作用。据美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)和华侨银行永亨银行(OCBC Wing Hang Bank Ltd.)说,在港元开始大幅升值之前,做空港元仍将保持盈利,在此之前,香港金管局将至少再斥资500亿港元(合64亿美元)维持港元盯住美元的联系汇率制。
Analysts are watching the interplay between the amount of money in the city’s financial system and local borrowing costs. Shorting the Hong Kong dollar will remain profitable until the latter starts to go up sharply, and the monetary authority will spend at least another HK$50 billion ($6.4 billion) defending the peg before that happens, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch and OCBC Wing Hang Bank Ltd.
自1983年以来,港币一直与美元挂钩,从而致其通常是一种沉闷的货币,波动率很低。除非它不盯住美元。虽然2005年设定的1美元兑7.75港元至7.85港元的交易区间从未被打破,但它仍在经受考验。这迫使实为香港央行的香港金融管理局(Hong Kong Monetary Authority,简称:金管局)履行其职责并进行干预,引发了人们对这种情况能持续多久以及对香港整体经济的影响的疑问。
Pegged to the U.S. dollar since 1983, the Hong Kong dollar is usually a dull currency. Except when it isn’t. While its trading band of HK$7.75 to HK$7.85 per U.S. dollar, set in 2005, has never been broken, it keeps getting tested. That forces the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the de-facto central bank, to follow its mandate and intervene, raising questions about how long this can continue and the implications for Hong Kong’s wider economy.
1 我们应该担忧吗?
Not for now. Despite all its interventions, the city still has more than $430 billion of foreign reserves, or seven times the Hong Kong dollars in circulation. The city also has more than HK$1 trillion ($127 billion) of exchange fund bills outstanding, so it could inject cash by allowing that debt to mature. What might rock the boat would be massive speculative attacks on the currency as experienced in the midst of the Asian financial crisis in 1997. Even there, the central bank won. And of course Hong Kong has a special connection with China, which has the world’s largest foreign-exchange reserves at more than $3 trillion.
2 1997年发生了什么?
As the crisis that began with a devaluation of the Thai baht spread, optimism in Hong Kong stocks quickly turned into panic selling and triggered a run on the currency. The monetary authority held firm against speculators, allowing overnight interest rates to jump to 300 percent as cash drained out of the interbank market, where banks exchange different currencies. This was enough to kill off the hedge-fund attack as local banks could only meet their own needs, so there were no Hong Kong dollars left to finance short sellers.
3. 近期是什么推动了港元的走势?
Often it’s interest rates, when local ones don’t move in tandem with the U.S. For example, as the Federal Reserve kept raising rates in 2018, it became more attractive for investors to sell local dollars and buy higher-yielding U.S. dollars. The Hong Kong dollar fell to the lower end of its trading band that April, so the HKMA began buying. Then, in one dramatic trading session on Sept. 21, 2018, the Hong Kong dollar surged out of the danger zone. Analysts at the time cited the prospect of higher rates in the city, stop-loss orders and even upcoming holidays as likely triggers. Whatever the reason, it didn’t last, and interventions resumed in 2019. In the week of March 9-15 the authority spent about $700 million buying Hong Kong dollars.
4. 香港为何没有镜映美联储?
It tries to. Every time the Fed lifts its benchmark rate, the HKMA raises its base rate, but with little effect. That’s because the base rate is the one at which the authority offers overnight funds to banks -- hardly relevant when the banking system has been brimming with cash for years. Hong Kong, as a financial hub, drew massive inflows as the world’s major central banks printed money in response to the global financial crisis. The city also benefited from an exodus of capital from mainland China as investors sought to diversify their portfolios, at least until Chinese officials tightened capital controls to support a weakening yuan in 2015-16. Flush with cash, Hong Kong banks are under little pressure to raise interbank interest rates significantly.
5. 这种情况会持续多久?
Multiple interventions in 2018 have more than halved that cash pool, known as the aggregate balance of interbank liquidity, because the monetary authority has been buying up Hong Kong dollars from them. Right now, it sits at just over HK$70 billion (about $9 billion), low relative to recent history, but the gap between Hong Kong and U.S. borrowing costs remains wide. Some analysts say Hong Kong will need to spend another HK$40 billion to HK$60 billion to make local borrowing costs more responsive to intervention. Hibor, the floating rate on most new mortgages, is the first indicator of tightening liquidity. The one-month rate fell to as low as 0.91 percent in February, compared with 2.49 percent for U.S. Libor, but climbed to 1.55 percent as of March 15.
6. 为什么盯住美元很重要?
首先,港币盯住美元被认为是金融稳定和经济的一个支柱。投资者将资金存放在香港,因为香港的货币相对安全。与此同时,全球最昂贵的房地产市场之一香港的房地产市场随着借贷成本上升,也显示出降温的迹象。去年9月,香港地方银行10多年来首次上调了基准利率。基准利率通常是抵押贷款上限的基础。花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)和里昂证券(CLSA Ltd.)也预测房价将下跌。
First and foremost, the currency peg is considered an anchor for financial stability and the economy. Investors park their money in Hong Kong because the currency is relatively safe. At the same time, Hong Kong’s property market, one of the world’s most expensive, is showing signs of cooling off with borrowing costs likely to rise. Local lenders raised the prime rate, which is often the basis of a cap on mortgages, for the first time in more than a decade in September. Citigroup Inc. and CLSA Ltd. are among those forecasting declines in home prices.
美银美林(Ronald Man,策略师)
花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.) (Sun Lu and Gaurav Garg,策略师)
星展银行(香港)有限公司(库务及市场部董事总经理Tommy Ong)
大和资本市场(经济学家Kevin Lai)
华侨银行永亨银行(经济学家Carie Li)
中国香港采取的是联系汇率制度,港币紧紧盯住美元:一方面,香港在发行港币时都有美元做“背书”;另一方面,为了保证港币汇率的稳定,金管局设置了7.75 的强方兑换保证和 7.85 的弱方兑换保证。联系汇率制度可以保证港币汇率的稳定,但也导致香港的货币政策完全失去了独立性。在过去的20多年中,美联储每次加息或降息后,香港金管局几乎都会跟随行动,完全失去了货币政策的独立性。