
2019年08月21日 17:25 新浪财经-自媒体综合



  美国金融网站Northman Trader的博主、技术分析师Sven Henrich近日发文指出,美联储面临一个数学问题,市场亦是。从总统开始,每一个人都在要求降息,而且是很多人。美联储主席鲍威尔称7月降息为“周期中段”调整,但联储收效甚微,因为在贸易紧张加剧和收益率继续暴跌后的余波中,市场开始抛售。而现在市场要求更多。降息50个基点似乎是市场对9月份的最低要求。其含义是显而易见的:美联储不能让人失望。

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  And what markets are currently pricing in is anything but a “mid-cycle” adjustment:


  That’s nearly a 100bp rate cut over the next year. President Trump of course wants a 100bp now AND some QE sprinkled on top of that: .....The Fed Rate, over a fairly short period of time, should be reduced by at least 100 basis points, with perhaps some quantitative easing as well. If that happened, our Economy would be even better, and the World Economy would be greatly and quickly enhanced-good for everyone!


  Leaving a discussion about the economic wisdom of such demands at this time aside for the moment, let’s look at the implications of Mr. Trump’s demand, and, on a longer time frame, the market’s demand for 100bp in rate cuts.


  See the problem is the Fed has very limited ammunition vis a vis previous cycles and that fact seems to escape everyone.


  Between December 2015 and December 2018 the Fed raised rates 9 times from zero bound. Historically speaking the weakest rate hiking cycle ever. In 2018 expectations were still high for further rate hikes in 2019. In fact Goldman Sachs had projected 5 rate hikesfor 2019 as late as November of 2018.


  Those days are long gone as global yields have collapsed and economic data has continued to show significant slowing. Hence the rate cut in July:


  And therein lies the math problem. With one rate cut already under its belt the Fed now only has 8 rate cuts to work with before being right back at zero bound.


  Cutting by 50bp in September would leave the Fed with only six 25bp rate cuts to play with. Cutting another 50bp over the next year would leave the Fed with only four 25 bp rate cuts implying the Fed would have given back nearly half of its entire rate raising cycle in just 12 months which took it 3 years to accomplish. Doesn’t sound like a “mid-cycle’ adjustment to me.


  For reference: In 2001 the Fed had to embark on a rate cutting cycle of 550bp to stop the unfolding recession. In 2007 it took 500bp. This time the Fed has started its rate cutting cycle from a 225-250bp basis. 

  因此,我必须问:既然可用的弹药如此有限,而要真正阻止经济周期逆转又需要如此多的弹药,为什么美联储还要在市场仍接近历史高点、失业率仍处于50年低点的情况下,浪费更多的降息机会呢?为什么要冒着降息50个基点,却只剩下6次各降息25个基点机会的风险?毕竟,衰退风险正在上升,就连太平洋投资管理公司(PIMCO)也承认这一点。除非未来最终将深入200 -250基点的负利率区间——这意味着一场全面的灾难性危机——否则,在目前阶段,市场或许对美联储期望过高。

  So I must ask: With such limited ammunition to work with and so much ammunition required to actually stop a cycle turn, why would the Fed waste more rate cuts with markets still near all time highs and unemployment still at 50 year lows? Why risk a 50bp rate cut and be left with only six 25 bp rate cuts in the coffer? Recession risk after all is rising and even Pimco is acknowledging this. Unless the ultimate future is negative rates into the negative 200bp-250bp territory zone, which would imply a full out disastrous crisis, then perhaps markets are expecting way too much from Momma Fed at this stage.


  And if this is the case, then markets may be setting themselves up for disappointment. The first test of this thesis will come on Friday during Jay Powell’s Jacksonhole speech. Markets are eagerly awaiting a signal to confirm more aggressive rate cuts. The Fed has a math problem and a market beast that wants to be fed. By the Fed.


  Jay Powell can ill afford to disappoint. But there may be another problem lurking. If the Fed goes too aggressive, it may inadvertently send another signal altogether: Recession risk is real and markets may ultimately not like the sound of that either. (完)







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