【每周鉴读•第98期】 白川方明:未来十年,经济学家和货币政策制定者要仔细研究两个课题(国金宏观·赵伟团队)

【每周鉴读•第98期】 白川方明:未来十年,经济学家和货币政策制定者要仔细研究两个课题(国金宏观·赵伟团队)
2023年09月22日 07:18 赵伟宏观探索



























第一是供给冲击。传统上,供给冲击往往被视为一次性事件。如果确实如此,那么货币政策制定者可以把目光越过供给冲击(looking through supply shock)。但随着供给冲击变得比过去更普遍,这种机械的做法并不合适。我们必须更仔细地研究供应冲击的本质。








Q1:Looking back on the comeback of inflation around the world and the global central banks’ fight against it since 2022, how do you think we should reflect upon our existing monetary policy framework and the classic macroeconomic theories and models that it rests on?

Masaaki Shirakawa:What we have to think seriously is why we experienced high inflation not seen in the past 40 years. One of its important causes is extremely expansionary monetary and fiscal policy. However, just pointing to this is rather superficial. A deeper question is why such extremely    expansionary macroeconomic policy was adopted from the beginning and why monetary tightening was delayed.

In this respect, I would say it is due to the failure of the prevailing intellectual model in the following sense. First, the fear over the effective lower bound of interest rate or deflation is exaggerated. Second, the prevailing model assumes inflation rate is determined by long-run inflation expectation, which is anchored at inflation target set by central bank. As long as central bank sticks with this model, inflation is always treated as transitory.

We have to rethink the current intellectual model and for that matter, monetary policy framework.

Q2: In your book Tumultuous Times: Central Banking in an Era of Crisis (中央銀行 セントラルバンカーの経験し), you argued against setting 2% as an undisputable inflation target. This round of inflation resurgence has reignited global debates on inflation targeting. How do you view the rationality and limitation of inflation targeting and the 2% goal? What are the plausible steps major central banks could take to adjust the goal without compromising their credibility?

Masaaki Shirakawa:Personally, I like the definition of price stability used by Volcker and Greenspan many years ago, which essentially says it is a state in which price fluctuation does not materially affect decision-making of economic agents. But I understand the day that such definition is tolerated has already gone. Since the primary objective of monetary policy is price stability, independent central banks have to be reasonably clear about what is meant by stability. So, I accept 2 % inflation target.

Having said that, I am not so enthusiastic about it. It should not be treated as sacrosanct number for the following two reasons. First, inflation measurement is a daunting task, which is especially so in decades to come. For example, I am not so confident enough about knowing precise number for quality-adjusted price change of smart phone. Second and more importantly, just focusing on inflation number risks missing financial imbalances leading to significant macroeconomic disturbances. At the end of the day, inflation rate was quite subdued in the Japan’s bubble period in late 1980s.

I could not present an alternative monetary policy framework, but central banks around the world have to work hard. The only thing I can say at this moment is to treat inflation target in a more flexible manner and incorporate the process of checking financial imbalances in formulating monetary policy.

Q3: In consideration of how the labor markets and global supply chains have evolved since the Covid-19 pandemic and the persistence of structural trends including energy transition and population ageing, what are the major topics that you think economists and monetary policymakers should focus on in the coming decade?

Masaaki Shirakawa:Two issues come to mind immediately.

The first is supply shock. Traditionally, supply shock has tended to be treated as one-off event. If that is a case, looking through supply shock is a right approach to monetary policy. But given that supply shock is becoming more common than before, such mechanical approach is not appropriate. We have to look into the nature of supply shock more carefully.

The second is the impact of demographic change. Under this heading, the impact of ageing is often discussed. What is not well recognized is the impact of declining population due to low birth rate. This issue is quite important in Japan and will be increasingly so in China in decades to come. Expectations about an economy's future population determine current demand, especially investment. But current demographics determine an economy's current supply capacity. Any resultant demand shortage will exert downward pressures on prices. But mild deflation itself should not be seen as an additional fear factor; it is just a symptom of underlying demographic challenge.

Q4: What are the sessions or topics of your utmost concern at the 5th Bund Summit?

Masaaki Shirakawa:I am most interested in “Demographic Change: a Key Long-term Variable.”

在将于9月22-24日举行的第五届外滩金融峰会上,白川方明将出席外滩全体大会“全球资管行业发展与中国机遇”,并在以“人口结构变化:不可忽视的长变量”为主题的外滩圆桌中发表演讲。“古德哈特定律”提出者、英国科学院院士Charles GOODHART中国金融四十人论坛学术委员会主席、中国社会科学院国家高端智库首席专家蔡昉等专家将与白川方明一道,共议人口结构这一关键宏观变量。


美国第70任财政部长鲁宾(Robert RUBIN),欧洲央行原行长特里谢(Jean-Claude TRICHET),德国央行原行长魏伯昂(Axel A.WEBER),印度央行原行长拉詹(Raghuram RAJAN),香港金融管理局总裁余伟文等多位拥有财政、货币政策决策经验的财经政要将在峰会期间就相关话题展开思想碰撞。





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