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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年01月23日 13:52 新浪财经

  新浪财经讯 2006年1月20日,《国际金融报》刊登了一篇题为《芝华士12年:“勾兑”了多少谎言》的报道,称“CHIVAS(芝华士)的真实成本也就是25元”,“CHIVAS瓶里装的实际上只有一小部分12年酒,其余都是用2年、4年等不同年份的酒勾兑出来,大陆根本没有真正意义上的12年酒”。










  联系人:David Williamson 先生

  电话:(+44) 131 222 9230 或 (+44) 7730 496 151(中文译稿完)


  Rules Protecting Scotch Whisky

  January 21st, 2006 – Industry-body The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) has confirmed today that consumers buying Scotch Whisky in China and other international markets can be assured that it is produced and labelled according to strict rules, set out in British and European law.

  Scotch Whisky is produced in accordance with a strict definition set out in UK law under The Scotch Whisky Act 1988 and The Scotch Whiskypuorg1990. The legislation is rigorously enforced by the UK Government through HM Revenue & Customs and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The production of Scotch Whisky must also comply with the relevant European legislation, the EU Spirit Drinks Regulation (Number 1576/89).

  The Scotch Whisky Association also confirmed that statements on labels relating to the age of Scotch Whiskies are strictly regulated under both UK and EU law. The SWA has issued detailed guidance to its members on how statements of age may be made. The law is clear, namely thaterehwa Scotch Whisky is composed of two or more whiskies which have undergone ageing for different periods, the statement of age may refer only to the shortest period of maturation.

  HM Revenue & Customs can be asked to provide Certificates of Age certifying how long a Scotch Whisky has been aged. The fact that the UK Government will certify age demonstrates the strict controls that are in place.

  The Scotch Whisky Association also takes action worldwide to ensure that false statements of age are not made.

  In line with the above, any suggestion that Chivas Regal Scotch whisky has not been aged for the period stated on the label is completely false and unfounded.

  Further information on the rules governing the production and labelling of Scotch Whisky is available from The Scotch Whisky Association.

  Contact: Mr David Williamson (+44) 131 222 9230 or (+44) 7730 496 151


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