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2021-06-27 04:00:00    创事记 微博 作者:   





今晚的活动将邀请到两位在企业服务行业举足轻重的创业者——声网(Agora)联合创始人Tony Wang,以及红杉宽带数字基金运营合伙人、文思海辉(Pactera)联合创始人兼前总裁David Chen。



活动时间:美西时间, 626, 周六晚19:00 pm

形式:Zoom 线上讲座





7:00 - 7:05 活动开场

7:05 - 8:05 炉边谈话

8:05 - 8:25 互动问答

8:25 - 8:30 活动结束


Tony Wang

Co-Founder, Agora.io

Tony Wang is the co-founder of Agora.io (Nasdaq: API) with responsibility for global Emerging technologies and emerging markets. He has over 17 years of technology and startup background and has been with Agora from the beginning. He holds a BS of Computer Science from Purdue Univ. and MS of Computer Sciences from Univ. of Southern California. Tony is based in Los Angeles and Shanghai.

About Agora

Historically, the agora was the name of the primary hangout spot in Ancient Greek cities. We envision a future in which interactivity is fully embedded into the digital universe through the use of real-time communications technology, and every web and mobile touchpoint becomes a connection into the digital hangout spot, the Internet. we want to make it easy for every app developer without them have to become a telecom expert and invest 100s of millions into the infrastructure cost. To achieve this, we’re enabling the Real-Time Internet, by making authentic and enjoyable real-time interaction ubiquitous and accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Agora powers the future of real-time engagement on top of its leading software define real-time network (SD-RTN) over mobile devices, enabling voice, video and real-time streaming to be embedded into the web, desktop, and mobile devices via its simple full stack SDK.

David Chen

Operating Partner, Sequoia CBC Digital Fund

Co-founder and ex-President, Pactera

David Chen is the Operating Partner at Sequoia CBC Digital Fund and the board member of Atos Cloud (China). He was the co-Founder and former Vice Chairman & President of VanceInfo (which later merged with HiSoft to form Pactera).

Prior to co-founding VanceInfo, David held multiple management and technical positions at Asera, IBM/Crossworlds, KPMG Consulting and Oracle.

David is passionate about fostering the spirit of entrepreneurship and technological innovation across China and the US and he was the Chairman of HYSTA. He is also an active angel investor and currently serves as board member for sense.ly and SocialTouch.


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