

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月19日 11:02 全景网

  全景网7月19日讯 Paul Schulte, Chief Investment Strategist, Lehman Brothers. His presentation topic is "Forging a path between inflationary energy shortages and deflationary capital shortages" Paul Schulte said, the bad policy responses to inflation ruining good markets.

  Paul Schulte said, the risk is inflation accelerating, driving up global prices and China a net importer. In Asia, the Currency strength is China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand. The currency weakness is India, Indonesia, Korea, and the Philippines. Inflation has a problematic for Asia.

  Paul Schulte said, government responses to inflation which are price caps and subsidies bad have been inflationary. Need to control inflation means greater currency appreciation likely.

  Paul Schulte said, western banks' capital shortages increase systemic risks, reduce liquidity and Asian banks have opposite problem which is over-capitalized, over-deposited, asset inflation.

  Paul Schulte said, food shortage is the systemic demand change. Weather is poor and demand dominates. Sovereign hoarding affects rice supply. 80% of rice supply under partial/full ban. Ethanol policies all bad and policies discourage more production.前文翻译如下:

  今天在深圳五洲宾馆举行的第七届中国证券投资基金国际论坛半年峰会上,雷曼兄弟亚洲投资公司首席亚洲策略师Paul Schulte作了如何应对通货膨胀性能源短缺与通货紧缩型资本短缺的主题演讲。他表示,是对通货膨胀错误的政策反应败坏了良好的市场。




  Paul Schulte最后指出,粮食危机是由于天气恶化使需求占据主导地位,而政策不鼓励粮食更多的生产,各国的囤积更是影响稻米的供给。用粮食生产乙醇的政策是错误的。(全景网现场报道组/陶元撰稿并翻译)


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