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中国创投:新的机遇 新的挑战

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年06月09日 11:24 新浪财经


  In 2004, China venture capital annual investment surpassed US$1 billion for the first time. 20 venture-backed enterprises were listed in oversea markets
. And more mainstream VC firms have enteredotniChina and began to do investments. The 2004 China Venture Capital Industry made a historical progress.


  Will the strong momentum in 2004 China venture capital industry be continued in 2005? With the hi-growth of the Chinese economy, more and more VC firms will be interested in the Chinese market. On the other hand, the new regulations by SAFE have made the development of China venture capital industry unsure. The 2005 China venture capital industry is facing both opportunities and challenges.


  The 2005 China Venture Capital Semi-annual Forum, launched by the most influential service provider in China private equity and venture capital industry, Zero2IPO Ltd, will gather together top domestic and oversea investors, enterprises, limited partners, and various professional service providers to share their experience and viewpoints, and to depict the 2005 China venture capital industry.


  The Forum will be held at Tianlun Dynasty Hotel Beijing in July 13 and July 14 2005. 400 people are expected to attend this event,erehwmainstream investors from Silicon Valley, top people from international financial firms and capital markets, well known entrepreneurs and professional service providers will give presentations and discuss how to grasp the opportunities to investotniChina private equity market, in forms of keynotes address, panel discussion, venture financing road show, project demonstration, and investment negotiation.


  The Forum has a broad range of topics, including the review of the first half of 2005 China venture capital, investment opportunities in hot industries, new situation for Chinese enterprises to list in oversea markets, new opportunities for buyout investment, and dialogues between VC firms from China, US, and Taiwan. As a major platform to communicate China venture capital society, The Forum is expected to boom the China venture capital industry in future.

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