
2013年11月04日 00:59  经济参考报 


  Squeezedm argins inthe global refiningin-dustryarehurting thew orld’slargest oilcom panies,as R oyal D utchShell,T otal andExxonM obil all blam edpoor quarterlyearningsona decline intheir dow nstream businesses.


  R oyal D utchShell PLC (R D SA )T hursdayreporteda31% declineinthird-quarter profitlargelybecauseof w eakrefiningm arginsandincreasedexploration-and-productionexpenses.Shellposted profiton a“currentcostofsupplies”basis——— afigure that factors out theim pact of inventories,m akingit equivalent toth e n et profit reported b y U.S . oilcom panies——— of $4.25billion,dow nfrom$6.15billioninthe sam e periodlast year.


  O il and natural gasgiantE xxon M obilCorp. postedlow er third-quarter G A A P net in-com eattributabletothecom panyof $7.87billion,or $1.79ashare,versus last year’s$9.57billion,or $2.09a share.

  油气巨头埃克森美孚发布了较低的按G A A P会计原则计算的第三季度净利润,利润额为78.7亿美元,合每股1.7美元。去年同期,其利润额为95.7亿美元,合每股2.09美元。(纳斯达克[微博])

  Inthe latest period,the com pany’s refi-ningandm arketingbusiness reportedoperatingearningsplunged 81% to $592 m illion,asw eaker m argins,prim arilyinits refiningbusi-ness,decreasedprofits by $2.4billion.


  Like m ost of itspeers inthe oil andgas in-dustry,T otal isgrappling w ith depressedrefiningm arginsin E urope,asw eak econom icgrow th w eighson dem and foroil products.“T herefiningenvironm ent inE uroperem ainsverydifficult;theovercapacities are still am ajorissue,”saidChief Financial O fficer Patrickde laChevardière.R efiningm argins inthe thirdquar-ter dropped79% from a year earlier,Totalsaid.

  和油气行业的大部分其他同行一样,受经济增长疲软对石油产品需求的影响,道达尔公司也在努力应对欧洲萧条的炼油利润率。公司首席财务官C hevardière表示,欧洲的炼油环境仍然非常困难,产能过剩仍是主要的问题。道达尔称,第三季度炼油利润率比一年前下降了79%。(美国《华尔街日报》)

  T heproblem is m ost strikinginE urope,despiterefineryclosures that havetakensom e1.7m barrels adayof capacityout of the sys-tem since2008. Figures from theInternationalEnergyA gencyshow Europeandem andfor refi-nedproducts w ill average13.5m b/d,alm ost2m b/dless thanin2008.


  T his w eakeningdem andhas coincidedw iththe construction ofa new w ave ofgiantrefineries inA siaandtheM iddleEast that areputtingpressureonolder andless sophisticatedplants inm orem aturem arkets. T heIE A saysglobal crudeoil distillationcapacityisset torisefrom 86m b/din 2005to101m b/dby2017onceall theplannednew capacitycom esonstream .


  Som em ajorshaveresponded by sellingtheir Europeanrefineries,thoughinsom ecasestheyhavestruggledtofindbuyers. O thers areshiftingtheir focus toareas of higher dem andgrow thandlow er costs. T otal,for exam ple,hasbuilta big new refinery in Jubail,SaudiA rabia,inajoint venturew ith thecountry,w hichshippedits first cargolast m onth.


  (周武英 编译)

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