

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年01月24日 16:01  新浪财经




  1 China Insights(透视中国)——


  视角:出口政策(export policy);房地产(real estate);中央政府和政策执行(central government policy-making);私人股本(private equity)




  赵令欢(John Zhao) 弘毅投资(Hony Capital)总裁

  2 金融系统更新(financial system update): the international financial system: back on track?

  经过了最近在国家内部以及国际范围内的干预之后,国际金融系统今天还可以具有多大的稳定性以及弹性?(After recent interventions at the national and international level, how stable and resilient is the international financial system today?)



  David Childs, Managing Partner, Clifford Chance, UK, Co-chair of the Governors Meeting for Professional Services 2011

  Gary D. Cohn 美国高盛主席 Goldman Sachs

  Peter Sands 渣打银行集团首席执行长 Group Chief Executive, Standard Chartered Bank, UK

  Robert Thomson 道琼斯集团主编(Dow Jones& Company),华尔街日报,美国


  新经济现实Time/new economic reality(对记者开放)


  Sir Martin Sorrell, 英国WPP集团首席执行官-英国最大的广告与传播集团

  James S. Turley, 美国安永集团主席及首席执行官(Ernst&Young, USA)


  1 创新驱动型增长(Innovation-driven Growth)

  What are the technological innovations reshaping industries?

  主题:新经济模式(New business models); 打破价值链(value-chain disruption); consumer access and involvement

  Leo Apotheker, 美国惠普主席及首席执行官(Hewlett-Packard)

  Stuart M. Evans 英国Novacem首席执行官 (该科技公司由英国帝国理工学院创办)

  Robert Greifeld, 美国交易所运营商Nasdaq OMX Group集团首席执行官

  William D. Green 美国埃森哲公司(Accenture)主席和首席执行官

  James H. Quigley 美国德勤(Deloitte)全球首席执行官



  主题:公司新规范(new norms for corporations)

  How will changing norms reshape corporate behaviour?


  Martin Wittig 瑞士罗兰贝克战略咨询公司(Roland Berger Strategy Consultants)首席执行官

  William W. George 美国哈佛商学院教授

  Peter Bakker 荷兰TNT首席执行官


  互联网安全的新现实(The new reality of cybersecurity)


  What are the most challenging cyberthreats to our security, and how will they ultimately shape our behaviour?


  Kevin Johnson 美国瞻博网络(Juniper Networks)首席执行官

  Craig Mundie 美国微软公司首席研究和战略官(Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation, USA)

  Dave De Walt 美国McAfee公司主席和首席执行官



  1主题:国家资本化新现实(The new reality of state capitalism)

  是什么趋势和规范在塑造政府在经济中的职责?As state-owned enterprises gain prominence around the world, what are the trends and norms shaping governments’ roles in the economy?


  Lord Levene 英国Lloyd’s银行主席

  张维迎 中国北京大学光华管理学院院长

  John Micklethwait 英国《经济学家》总编

  2 重塑美国经济:国际化的影响(Reshaping the US economy: the impact abroad)

  What are the global implications of dramatically reshaping the US economy?

  话题:新储蓄和消费模式(New saving and consumption patterns)

  与中国的贸易(Trade with China)

  财政政策和新国会(Fiscal policy and the new congress)


  Shumeet Banerji 英国博斯公司(Booz & Company)首席执行官

  Duncan Niederauer美国纽约-泛欧交易所集团(NYSE Euronext)首席执行官

  Richard L. Trumka 美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会(American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organisations, AFL-CIO)主席

  余永定 中国社科院学部委员、前央行货币委员会委员余永定


  主题:社交网络”毒瘾”(The social network addiction)

  The average time spent on online social networks increased 82% in 2009 (2009年人们花在社交网络上的平均时间提升了82%)


  Charlie H.Beckett 伦敦政治经济学院(LSE)媒介系主任

  Dan Ariely 美国杜克大学(Duke University)心理和行为经济学教授

  Reid Hoffman 美国LinkedIn公司创建者和执行主席




  How are cross-border growth patterns changing after the Great Recession?

  关键词:区域合作(Regional integration)

  新消费模式(New consumption patterns)

  全球价值链(Global value chains)


  Frank Appel 德国邮政DHL(Deutsche Post DHL)首席执行官

  魏家福 中海集团主席和首席执行官

  Robert Z. Lawrence 美国哈佛大学肯尼迪管理学院贸易和投资教授


  主题:欧元区:从生存到复苏(The Eurozone: shifting from survival to revival)

  如何避免另一个欧元区危机(How can another Eurozone crisis be averted)?


  希腊和爱尔兰的教训(Lessons from Greece and Ireland)

  未来的欧盟/国际货币组织支持(Future EU/IMF support)

  结构性改革章程(Structural reform agenda)


  Martin Blessing 德国商业银行董事会主席(Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors, Commerzbank, Germany)-德国三大银行之一

  Fawzi Kyriakos-Saad 瑞银(英国公司)欧洲,中东和非洲(EMEA)首席执行官

  Domenico Siniscalco 摩根士丹利(意大利公司)主席,(欧洲)副主席

  Philippe Sands 英国伦敦政经法律教授,Global Agenda Council on the International Legal System


  1 主题:重建全球化政府治理体系(global governance)

  关键词:G20的演变(Evolution of the G20)

  有效的国际组织(Effective international organisations)

  公司全球性公民权(Corporate global citizenship)


  Timothy P. Flynn 美国毕马威(KPMG)公司主席

  Donald Kaberuka 突尼斯非洲发展银行(African Development Bank)主席

  Pascal Lamy 世贸组织(World Trade Organisation, WTO)总干事(Director-General)

  Ian Goldin, 英国牛津大学马丁学院(Oxford Martin School)院长

  2 主题:欧元被困(Euro Grounding)



  (The euro should contribute to the stabilization of the EU national economies. However, in recent times, it has considerably lost value. Numerous euro-countries have been unable to keep to the criteria of stability and growth. High national debt brings them to the edge of insolvency. The European Monetary Union is endangered。

  What effect does the euro crisis have on Switzerland? How should Switzerland contribute to finding a solution to the crisis? In the long term, how can the euro and the EU survive? What effect does the crisis have worldwide? Is international financial stability once more facing a collapse?)


  Philipp M. Hildebrand 瑞士国家银行理事会主席(Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank, Switzerland)

  Elena Salgado 西班牙财长萨尔加(Minister of Economy and Finance of Spain)

  Jean-Claude Trichet(让-克洛德•特里谢) 德国法兰克福欧洲中央银行行长(President, European Central Bank, Frankfurt)


  主题:巨型地区还是巨型问题(Mega-Regions or Mega-Problems)


  (With 40 mega-regions accounting for two-thirds of the world’s economic activities, how can regional agglomeration be harnessed to accommodate growth, increase competitiveness, and effectively manage risks?)

  关键词:环境发展可持续性和资源(Environmental sustainability and resources)

  住房和基础设施 (Housing and infrastructure)

  人口活力和健康 (Population dynamics and health)

  经济发展和技术革新 (Economic development and technological innovation)


  Douglas Frye 美国高力国际全球主席和首席执行官( Global President and Chief Executive Officer, Colliers International, USA)

  Tsutomu Horiuchi, 日本毛利建筑公司首席财务官及常务董事总经理(Chief Financial Officer and Senior Managing Director, Mori Building Company, Japan)



  主题:中国企业的未来 (The future of Chinese enterprise)


  (Given the tradition of state ownership, how will China’s biggest companies compete domestically and expand internationally?)


  战略性产业(Strategic industries)

  投资者关系 (Investor relations)

  公司治理 (Corporate governance)


  Gao Jifan (高纪凡)天合光能(Trina Solar)董事长,中国可再生能源学会太阳能建设委员会副主席(Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Trina Solar,TSL)

  Jiang Jianqing*, Chairman of the Board, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, People’s Republic of China

  Li Shufu(李书福) Chairman, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group,

  Wang Jianlin (王健林) 大连万达董事长兼主席(Chairman and President, Dalian Wanda


  Li Daokui (李稻葵)清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心主任(Director, Center for China in the World Economy, CCWE; Mining & Metals Industry Agenda Council)



  主题:重新设计国际财政体系:达沃斯之辩(Redesigning the International Monetary System: A Davos Debate)

  国际货币系统如何演化为提升宏观经济协作性?(How should the international monetary system evolve to improve macroeconomic coordination?)


  从以往危机中得到的教训 (Lessons from previous crises)

  稳固中的G20协作(Enhanced G20 coordination)

  国际财政体系改革模式 (Modalities of international monetary system reform)


  克里斯汀。拉嘉德(Christine Lagarde) 法国经济、工业和就业部部长(Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of France; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum)

  索罗斯 (George Soros)美国索罗斯基金管理公司主席Chairman, Soros Fund Management, USA



  (The 20th century saw the rise and fall of Communism, while the beginning of the 21st century has already introduced a major crisis in market capitalism. What should be the economic narrative for the 21st century?)


  Paul Collier  哈佛大学经济系教授(Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, University of Oxford; Director, Centre for the Study of African Economies, United Kingdom; Global Agenda Council on Fragile States)

  Kevin Lu 世界银行集团成员多边投资担保机构(MIGA)亚太区主管(Regional Director, Asia-Pacific, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) - World Bank Group, Hong Kong SAR; Young Global Leader)



  主题:Redeploying Development Finance


  In the absence of private lending, national and regional development banks played a key role during the financial crisis, but what should be their focus in an era of greater austerity?


  金融危机的教训- Lessons from the financial crisis

  新发展范例- New development paradigms


  Thomas Mirow (伦敦)欧洲建设和发展银行主席(President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), London)


  主题:重塑世界经济平衡 (Rebalancing the global economy)

  How should macroeconomic imbalances be managed at a global level?


  现行体制的局限性- Limitations of current system

  政策协作性- Policy coordination

  G20的未来智能- Future role of the G20


  C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics, USA

  Niall Ferguson, Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History, Harvard University, and William Ziegler Professor, Harvard Business School, USA

  李稻葵Li Daokui, Director, Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE), People’s Republic of China; Mining & Metals Industry Agenda Council

  Nouriel Roubini, Professor of Economics and International Business, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University, USA; Global Agenda Council on Fiscal Crises

  余永定-Yu Yongding, Senior Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), People’s Republic of China; Global Agenda Council on the

  International Monetary System

  张维迎 Zhang Weiying, Dean, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, People’s Republic of China


  主题:投资的未来 (The Future of Investing)

  投资人在后危机时代如何配置资本?How will investors deploy capital in the post crisis-world?


  David M. Rubenstein, 美国凯雷集团(Carlyle Group)共同创始人及常务董事(Co-Founder and Managing Director, USA)

  Martin Senn, 瑞士苏黎世金融服务集团(Zurich Financial Services, Switzerland,全球十大金融保险集团之一)集团首席执行官(Group Chief Executive Officer)

  陈庆炎(Tony Tan Keng-Yam)新加坡政府投资公司主席(Chairman, Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, Singapore)


  主题:应对高度相关性(Handling Hyper-connectivity)

  政府和经济如何在一个相互高速相关的世界里运作(How should governments and businesses operate in a hyper-connected world?)


  社会影响- Social Impact

  跨边境事宜- Cross-border issues

  企业和政府关系- Business and government relations

  约翰·钱伯斯(John T. Chambers)美国思科总裁兼首席执行官(Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Cisco, USA)

  Thomas H. Glocer, 美国路透集团(Reuters)首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer, Thomson Reuters, USA; Young Global Leader)

  思文凯(Carl-Henric Svanberg),英国石油(BP)董事长(Chairman, BP, United Kingdom)

  德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg), 美国Facebook首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer, Facebook, USA; Young Global Leader)

  奥里特·加迪什(Orit Gadiesh )美国贝恩管理咨询公司(Bain & Company)董事会主席 , Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum


  主题:重新定义可持续发展(Redefining Sustainable Development)

  可持续发展如何成为共享式增长驱动力(How can sustainable development become a driver of inclusive growth?)


  新发展典范- New growth paradigms

  系统性手段- Systemic approaches

  企业的责任- Role of business

  潘基文(Ban Ki-moon), 联合国秘书长Secretary-General, United Nations, New York

  Mike Duke 美国沃尔玛集团主席和首席执行官(President and Chief Executive Officer, Wal-Mart Stores, USA)

  Tarja Halonen 芬兰总理President of Finland

  Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, 印度尼西亚总统President of Indonesia; Chair

  2011 ASEAN

  Jacob G. Zuma 南非总统 President of South Africa



  价格弹性:商品市场的挑战(Price Volatility: the commodity challenge)

  考虑到全球商品市场,极端的价格浮动如何被减缓并确保稳定的经济复苏?(Given the global market for commodities, how can extreme price volatility be mitigated to ensure a stable economic recovery?)


  投资规则-Principles of investing

  回报规范-Return criteria

  实体经济角度-Real economy perspectives


  保罗。阿赫莱特纳(Paul Achleitner),德国安联保险集团管理委员会成员(Member of the Board of Management, Allianz, Germany)

  安娜·帕特里夏·博廷 (Ana Patricia Botín) 西班牙桑坦德银行集团董事会成员,(市价居全球前十的银行之一)Member of the Board, Banco Santander, Spain

  Colin Dyer仲量联行总裁兼首席执行官(President and Chief Executive Officer, Jones Lang LaSalle, USA)

  Piet Moerland 荷兰合作银行董事长(Chairman Executive Board, Rabobank Group, Netherlands)

  Takeshi Niinami日本第二大连锁便利店罗森(Lawson Inc) CEO (President and Chief Executive Officer, Lawson, Japan; Global Agenda Council on the Role of Business)



  年轻人VS 老模式(Young people versus old models)-附注:很新颖的话题,可以做小专题


  (How are the values and behaviours of a younger generation reshaping consumption patterns and business models?)


  社会媒体的影响- Influence of social media

  新消费模式- New spending patterns


  丹尼尔•埃克(Daniel Ek) 英国数字音乐服务商Spotify首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer, United Kingdom; Technology Pioneer)

  Michael T. Fries 美国自由媒体国际(Liberty Global)主席和首席执行官

  (President and Chief Executive Officer, Liberty Global, USA,Inc. 该公司于2005年1月在美国的特拉华州注册成立,同年在纳斯达克上市。LGI是世界领先的有线网络运营商)

  克兰度·帕特尔(Kalendu Patel)百思买亚洲区总裁兼企业执行副总裁(President Asia, Enterprise Executive Vice-President, Best Buy Co., USA)

  王雪红Cher Wang 台湾HTC主席(Chairman, HTC-VIA, Taiwan, China)

  苏爱文Arvind Sodhani 美国英特尔投资总裁,集团副总裁(President, Intel Capital and Executive, Vice-President, Intel Corporation, USA)


  主题:现代中国的新现实 (The new realities of modern China)

  What does the world really need to know about modern China?


  林宇 网秦公司CEO(Lin Yu, Chief Executive Officer, NetQin Mobile, People’s Republic of China; Technology Pioneer; Global Agenda Council on Internet Security)

  Niu Wenyuan中国国务院参事室参事(Counsellor of the State Council, Counsellors’ Office of the State Council, People’s Republic of China)

  彭希哲 复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院院长(Peng Xizhe, Dean, School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, People’s Republic of China; Global Agenda Council on Ageing)

  夏学銮 北京大学社会学教授(Xia Xueluan, Professor of Sociology, Beijing University, People’s Republic of China)

  许榕生 中科院高能物理研究所网络安全实验室首席科学家,中国反黑客第一人(Xu Rongsheng, Chief Scientist of Cyber Security Laboratory, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China)



  主题:全球经济展望(The global economic outlook)

  What is the outlook for the global economy in 2011?


  宏观经济不平衡- Macroeconomic imbalances

  货币不稳定- Currency instability

  全球治理- Global governance (G20)

  国际金融体系- International financial system

  Robert E. Diamond Jr, 英国巴克莱集团主席(Group President, Barclays, United Kingdom and Co-Chair of the Governors Meeting for Financial Services 2011)

  克里斯汀。拉嘉德(Christine Lagarde) 法国经济、工业和就业部部长(Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of France; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum)

  Robert B. Zoellick, 世界银行主席(President, The World Bank Group, Washington DC)


  主题:通过可持续发展的竞争(Competing via Sustainability)

  How can companies turn sustainability into a competitive advantage?


  Marc Bolland 英国零售商M&S首席执行官( Chief Executive, Marks & Spencer, United Kingdom)

  Ditlev Engel 丹麦维斯塔斯主席和首席执行官( President and Chief Executive Officer, Vestas Wind Systems, Denmark)

  Akio Toyoda, 日本Toyota集团主席(President, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan)

> 相关专题:

【 手机看新闻 】 【 新浪财经吧 】



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