诺基亚西门子开始芬兰裁员谈判http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年05月10日 22:51 北京商报
Nokia Siemens Networks said on Wednesday it had started lay-off talks in Finland, aiming to cut around 700 jobs in 2007. It said the biggest cuts would be made in Helsinki and Espoo, southern Finland, where 390 people could lose their jobs. The company repeated it aims globally to cut around 10,000 workers by 2010. In Germany, the planned job cuts have sparked protests as the company has said it aims to reduce 3,000 staff by 2010 in Germany. 诺基亚西门子网络公司周三称,其已开始在芬兰的裁员谈判,目标是2007年在芬兰削减约700个工作岗位。 该公司表示,其在赫尔辛基和芬兰南部的Espoo裁员力度将最大,这两个地方会有390人被裁掉。 该公司重申计划2010年之前在全球裁员约1万人。同时表示将于2010年前在德国裁员3000人,此计划已在该国引发员工抗议活动。 董莉