尤科斯最后资产5月被拍卖http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月09日 00:31 北京商报
Russia will bang the last nail into the coffin of YUKOS, once its top oil producer, by selling the bankrupt firm's Samara production unit and three nearby refineries in May with a starting price of $6 billion. YUKOS's receiver Eduard Rebgun told Reuters on Friday the committee of creditors had decided to sell all of YUKOS's 1,135 petrol stations in a separate lot with a starting price of 7.7 billion roubles. Another lot would include YUKOS's Moscow property, including the firm's downtown skyscraper headquarters, for 22.7 billion roubles , he said. 俄罗斯将为曾经的俄罗斯石油巨头尤科斯石油公司画上句号。尤科斯旗下的Samara工厂以及附近3家炼油厂将在5月份被捆绑拍卖,起拍价为60亿美元。 破产程序负责人爱德华·雷布冈表示,根据尤科斯公司债权人委员会的决定,尤科斯公司下属全部1135个加油站也将被摆上拍卖台,起价是77亿卢布。 另外,该公司在莫斯科拥有的资产,包括其总部大楼也将被拍卖,起价227亿卢布。 董莉