日立将关闭墨西哥工厂http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月23日 00:43 北京商报
Japanese electronics maker Hitachi Ltd. said Thursday it will close a factory in Mexico and shed about 4,400 jobs as part of a global overhaul of its slumping hard disk drive business. The plant in Guadalajara will be shuttered by the middle of next year and its production of HDD components shifted to an existing plant in Laguna, Philippines, the company said in a news release. The change will help Hitachi save nearly $300 million over the next five years by bringing component manufacturing closer to the company's final assembly plants in Thailand and China, Hitachi said. Under the plan, Tokyo-based Hitachi will cut its global work force of 40,000 by 11 percent. 日本日立公司昨日宣布,由于全球硬盘市场产量过剩,该公司将关闭其位于墨西哥的硬盘部件工厂,并裁员4400多人。 日立当天表示,到明年中期,位于墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉的工厂将会关闭,这里的硬盘零部件制造业务将会转移到菲律宾的拉古那地。 日立表示,由于日立的硬盘组装厂位于泰国和中国,此举将使日立降低生产和运输成本。通过此次重组,日立未来5年内有望节省3亿美元的支出。 日立目前的全球员工数量为4万人,此次裁员比例为11%。 李薇