英特尔IBM延续摩尔定律实现芯片突破http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月30日 02:13 北京商报
Intel Corp. and IBM have announced one of the biggest advances in transistors in four decades, overcoming a frustruating obstacle by ensuring microchips can get even smaller and more powerful. The breakthrough, achieved via separate research efforts and announced, involves using an exotic new material to make transistors. the transistor level, we haven't changed the basic materials since the 1960s. So it's a real big breakthrough,” said Dan Hutcheson, head of VLSI Research, an industry consultancy. “Moore's Law was coming to a grinding halt,”he added, referring to the industry maxim laid down by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore that the number of transistors on a chip doubles roughly every two years. The latest breakthrough means Intel, IBM and others can proceed with technology roadmaps that call for the next generation of chips to be made with circuitry as small as 45 nanometers. 英特尔和IBM日前宣布,在晶体管研究领域取得了40年来最重大的进展之一,可确保所生产的微芯片体积更小、功能更大。 双方分别以各自的研究,通过使用一种新材料来制造晶体管完成了技术突破。 VLSI研究公司主管丹·哈奇森表示:“自上世纪60年代以来,我们从未改变过制造晶体管的基础材料。因此,这无疑是一个巨大的突破。” 哈奇森表示:“新技术将让摩尔定律得以延续。”摩尔定律是英特尔联合创始人高顿·摩尔提出的,指单位面积芯片上的晶体管数量大约每两年增加一倍。 晶体管新技术的推出,意味着英特尔、IBM和其他厂商可以采用更先进的技术,例如用45纳米生产工艺来生产下一代芯片。 董莉