涉嫌价格垄断西门子遭罚5.22亿美元http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月26日 01:33 北京商报
Siemens, Europe's largest engineering group, is to strengthen its core automation division by paying $3.5bn to buy private equity-owned UGS as it seeks to show it has not been paralysed by bribery allegations. Details of the plan emerged as the German conglomerate suffered a fresh blow yesterday when the European Commission ordered it to pay a record $522m fine for its “leadership role” in a price-fixing cartel. Last night the company was also considering whether to float its VDO car-parts division. 欧洲最大的工程集团西门子将通过出资35亿美元收购UGS公司来强化旗下核心的自动化业务,因为它正试图表明自己没有受到贿赂指控的影响。 昨日,这项计划的细节公布之时,这家德国企业集团又遭打击,欧盟委员会命令其交纳5.22亿美元的罚款,因为它在一个价格垄断集团中起到了“带头作用”。 据知情人士透露,昨晚,西门子还考虑是否要将旗下威迪欧(VDO)汽车部件公司上市。 董莉