丰田研发“超低成本”汽车http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月23日 01:33 北京商报
Toyota, the world's second largest carmaker by sales, is working on a radically different approach to car design, development and manufacturing in an attempt to come up with an ultra-low-cost car, according to its president. “The focus is on low-cost technology,” said Katsuaki Watanabe, in an interview with the Financial Times. “Everything from design to production methods will be radically changed and we are thinking of a really ultra-low-cost way of designing, using ultra-low-cost materials, even developing new materials if necessary.” 丰田汽车公司总裁渡边捷昭称,丰田正在采取一种截然不同的汽车设计、开发和制造方法,试图推出一款超低成本的汽车。按销售额来衡量的话,丰田汽车是全球第二大汽车制造商。 渡边捷昭在接受采访时表示:“这次涉及的重点是低成本技术。从设计到生产方法,每个方面都会有根本性的变化。我们正在思考一种真正的超低成本设计方法,使用超低成本材料,必要时甚至还会开发新材料。” 董莉