亚洲商界信心超欧美http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年01月10日 22:52 北京商报
Business confidence in the European Union has overtaken optimism in the US for the first time in five years, according to a survey published today by the professional services firm Grant Thornton. The International Business Report, an annual survey of 7,200 owners of private medium and large businesses, showed more optimism in 2007 about the prospects for the economies of the 32 countries surveyed than for last year. Asian business leaders were the world's most confident, led by India, the Philippines, China and Singapore. While business owners in Japan were still negative overall about the outlook, they were less pessimistic than last year. 专业服务公司均富发表的《国际商业问卷调查报告2007》显示,欧盟商界信心5年来首超美国。 该报告显示,32个国家7200名大中型私企业主的受访者对2007年的经济前景较去年更为乐观。 亚洲商业领袖在全球信心最足,以印度、菲律宾、中国和新加坡为首。尽管日本企业主总体仍对前景持消极态度,但也没有去年那么悲观。 董莉