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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年12月28日 00:54 北京商报

  It is hard not to feel that this is as good as it gets. Mergers and acquisitions in 2006 are set to total a record $3,870bn, 29 per more than last year and 16 per cent above the previous high in 2000, according to Dealogic.

  The mix of fees has changed since the last cycle. This year, only 26 per cent of fees came directly from M&A, compared with 36 per cent in 2000. F
ees from debt products accounted for nearly 50 per cent of the total, compared with 30 per cent in 2000.

  This does not necessarily mean that investment banks are less reliant on M&A. Much highly profitable leveraged lending, which has pushed up debt capital markets revenues, is linked to debt-financed private equity acquisitions.

  Certainly, a shift in the benign conditions in the debt markets, which help to finance acquisitions, or the equity markets, which are buoying up share prices and corporate confidence, could scupper the healthy flow of deals planned for the first half of next year. But without such disruptions, activity shows no sign of abating.

  There are pressures on companies to do deals in almost every sector, from pharmaceuticals to oil. In both Europe and the US, investors are keen to see top-line growth of 5 per cent or more, and this is getting increasingly difficult to deliver organically in developed markets.










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