EADS任命空客新高层http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年11月02日 01:44 北京商报
European defense and aerospace group EADS said on Tuesday its board had appointed Fabrice Bregier, 45, as chief operating officer at troubled commercial aircraft manufacturing subsidiary Airbus. Delays in the Airbus A380 superjumbo have forced EADS to examine changes to the way it produces large commercial jets, including an overhaul of Airbus management. Bregier is currently head of Eurocopter, another EADS unit, where he will be succeeded by Lutz Bertling, 44. EADS added that the group's chief financial officer, Hans Peter Ring, 55, would also become Airbus CFO. 欧洲航空防务和航天公司(EADS)周二发表声明,宣布任命45岁的布里斯·布雷吉耶为空客公司的首席运营官。空客公司目前正在遭受商业飞机制造的困扰。 大型客机A380的延期使得空客公司不得不重新审视大型商务客机的生产业务,包括对空客管理方面的检查。 布雷吉耶是空客另一重要子公司欧洲直升机公司的总裁。他留下的位置由44岁的吕策·贝特林接任。 EADS同时还任命了公司的首席财务官,是现年55岁的汉斯·皮特,他同时还兼任空客公司的首席财务官。 董 莉