

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月09日 16:19 新浪财经

  园区配套服务项目 Auxiliary Service Projects in the Park

  项目概述: Project Overview:


  The auxiliary service projects are mainly to provide production, living and business service to the industrial enterprises investing in this park, including land development of financial business & trade center, living residence in the park.

  一、园区金融商贸中心用地开发: 1. Land development of financial business& trade center

  金融商贸中心用地位于环保大道以南、万家丽路两厢,总面积约900 亩,市政基础设施已经到位,可供商贸、金融、酒店、

写字楼办公,市场拓展升值空间较大。The use land of financial business & trade center, located to the south of Huanbao Dadao and on two sides of Wanjiali Lu, covers an area of about 900mu, which is available for business & trade, finance, hotel, office building. Municipal infrastructure works have been carried out and finished. Furthermore, it has a huge space for market expansion and value increase.

  二、园区生活住宅用地开发: 2. Land development of living residence

  生活住宅用地位于环保大道以北,绕城高速以南,新韶山路两厢,总面积约1400亩。项目距省政府3公里,交通便捷,环境宜人,自然景观较好。根据园区的总体规划,该区域将进行住宅小区的建设。The use land for living residence in this park, situated to the north of Huanbao Dadao and south of Roundcity Expressway and on two sides of Xinshaoshan Lu, covers an area of about 1400mu. It is only 3 kilometers to the People’s Government of Hunan Province. It has a convenient traffic and beautiful landscape and scenery. According to the overall planning of the park, the residence community will be constructed in this park.

  招商方式: Form of Investment Invitation:


  Land transfer. In case of a large-scale, powerful and fast-investing preponderant enterprise, the park will offer the preference by means of “one policy for one project”.

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