

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月08日 14:35 新浪财经


  Lituo Business Center is located to the south of Changsha Dadao, to the north of Xiangzhang Lu and on both sides of Jingzhu Expressway. New Changsha railway station of Wuhan-Guangzhou Express Railway and Shanghai-Kunming Express Railway, Changzhutan Bus Stop and Lituo Station of Urban Subway are located here. The center will, depending on the perfect auxiliary business facilities, hold a large quantity of passenger flows and logistics to build the modern traffic hub and modern business center integrated with business& trade, culture, sports and leisure and up-market residence communities. There are two projects inviting the foreign investment:

  一、环宇国际商贸中心 Huanyu International Trade Center


  Sponsored by: Changsha Ring-Road Construction Development Co., Ltd

  项目概述 Project Overview:


高速公路,北依劳动东路,与长沙市体育新城遥相呼应。项目总用地约2070亩, 总建筑面积约为397万平方米,其中:商业净用地55.4万平方米(建筑面积166万平方米), 商务、办公净用地34.6万平方米(建筑面积201万平方米),文化、娱乐净用地12.9万平方米(建筑面积25万平方米)。用地性质为商业、综合用地。土地规划要求为容积率≤6,建筑高度≤100米。

  Huanyu International Trade Center will, as the auxiliary construction project of new Changsha railway station of Wuhan-Guangzhou Special Railway, be constructed by Changsha Ring-Road Construction Development Co., Ltd under the authorization of the people’s government of Changsha City. The project is situated in Lituo Township of Yuhua District. To the east it is adjacent to Xinhuahou Lu, to the south it links with Xiangzhang Lu and to the west it is close to Jingzhu Expressway. The Laodong Lu comes near in the north. From the center we can set our eyes on the new Changsha Railway Station of Wuhan-Guangzhou Special Railway and on the Sports New Town of Changsha City. It covers a land area of about 2070mu and a total building area of about 3.97 million m2, including net business land 0.554 million m2 (building area 1.66 million m2), net office land 0.346 million m2 (building area 2.01 million m2) and net culture & amusement land 0.129 million m2 (building area 0.25 million m2). The land use property belongs to business comprehensive land use. It is required that volume rate≤6 and building height≤100m.

  招商方式:Form of Investment Invitation:


  Land transfer. Changsha Ring-Road Construction Development Co., Ltd is responsible for the integral planning and the construction of surrounding auxiliary infrastructure. The investors concerned shall bid the block lands and develop the lands in terms of national land transfer method.


  Organization: Business Bureau of Yuhua District/ Lituo Township of Yuhua District

  联 系 人:寻伟阳 0731-5880388 13874951100

  綦冠笑 0731-5951678 13508490326

  Contact: Xun Weiyang 0731-5880388 13874951100

  Qi Guanxiao 0731-5951678 13508490326

  二、机场高速大酒店 Airport Expressway Hotel


  Sponsored by: People’s Government of Lituo Township

  项目概述:Project Overview:



  The project is located to the south of Changsha Dadao and to the east of office building of People’s Government of Lituo Township. It is adjacent to New Changsha railway station of Wuhan-Guangzhou Express Railway and Shanghai-Kunming Express Railway, Changzhutan Bus Stop and Lituo Station of Urban Subway. It is only 10 minutes’ drive to Huanghua International Airport and Changsha railway Station. It is surrounded with Sports New Town, Guitanghe Tour Zone, Gaoqiao Large Market and International Shanghe Street. The traffic is here quite convenient.


  The project covers a land area of 110 mu. It is proposed to build an up-market four-star 20-story hotel integrated with dining, accommodation, amusement, tour and shopping, with a total building area of 35000 m2. The total investment of the project is RMB 180.00 million.

  招商方式:Form of Investment Invitation:

  独资、合资、合作 Sole proprietorship, joint venture or cooperation


  Organization: People’s Government of Lituo Township of Yuhua District

  联 系 人:綦冠笑

  Contact: Qi Guanxiao

  联系电话:0731-5951678 13508490326

  Tel/Phone: 0731-5951678 13508490326

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