东塘商圈http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月08日 14:30 新浪财经
东塘商圈位于韶山路与劳动路交汇处并延展四周,是自上世纪八十年代以来随着城市的东拓南进而逐步形成的长沙市一个重要的商业中心,现东塘商圈有四大项目对外招商。 Dongtang Business Area is located at the convergence of Shaoshan Lu and Laodong Lu and expands around. It is an important business center in Changsha City formed since 1980s with the urban expansion to the south and the east. There are now four projects in the business area to invite the foreign investment. 一、中机国际设计研究院办公楼、职工宿舍区整体开发项目(以下简称中机国际项目)。中机国际项目位于劳动路与韶山路交叉口的西南角,占地53.33亩,分2块:办公区32.79亩,宿舍区20.54亩。项目采取将现有办公楼整体拆迁,将土地按评估价值出让或与开发商等价置换新的办公楼及宿舍区的方式进行招商开发建设。 1. Office building of China Machinery International Design Institute and overall development project of employee’s dormitory (hereinafter referred to as “China Machinery International Project”). The project is situated in the southwest corner of convergence of Shaodong Lu and Shaoshan Lu, covering an area of 53.33mu, which consists of two sections: office section 32.79mu and dormitory section 20.54mu. The project will invite the foreign investment to carry out the development and construction by adopting the form of integral housebreaking of existing office buildings, land transfer in terms of land value evaluation, and equivalent exchange of new office buildings and dormitories with the developers. 二、东塘交易大楼(工商宾馆)整体开发项目(以下简称交易大楼项目)。交易大楼项目位于劳动路与韶山路交叉口的西南角,占地18亩,项目采取将现有商贸设施整体拆迁,重新招商建设新的高档次商贸楼宇的方式开发建设。 2. Overall Development Project of Dongtang Trade Building (Gongshang Hotel) (hereinafter referred to as Trade Building Project). The trade building project is situated in the southwest corner of convergence of Laodong Lu and Shaoshan Lu, covering an area of 18 mu. The project will invite foreign investment to carry out the development and construction by adopting the form of integral housebreaking of existing business & trade facilities to build the up-market trade buildings. 三、长沙市工人文化宫开发建设项目(以下简称文化宫项目)。文化宫项目位于东塘商圈核心区,紧邻湖南省人大常委会,占地35亩,项目采取将现有文化宫整体拆迁,在原有土地上重新建设一座同等规模,较高档次的文化设施,同时配套高档次商务楼宇住宅的方式开发建设。 3. Development & Construction Project of Changsha Worker’s Culture Palace (Hereinafter referred to as Culture Palace Project). The Culture Palace Project, covering an area of 35 mu, is located in the core of Dongtang Business Area, closely adjacent to the Standing Committee of Hunan People's Congress. The project will invite the investment to perform the development and construction by adopting the form of integral housebreaking of existing culture palace to build the same-scale and up-market culture facilities on the original land and meanwhile build the up-market business and residence buildings. 四、长城信息产业股份有限公司土地开发项目。长城信息产业股份有限公司位于雨花路与赤黄路交叉口的西南角(金辉大酒店对面),占地120亩,项目采取由长城信息产业股份有限公司搬迁异地办公生产,将土地按评估价值出让的方式进行招商开发建设。该地段交通便捷,区位优势较好,适合商住楼、休闲、娱乐项目开发建设。 4. Land Development Project of Great Wall Information Industry Co., Ltd. Great Wall Information Industry Co., Ltd, covering an area of 120mu, is situated in the southwest corner of convergence of Yuhua Lu and Chihuang Lu (opposite to Jinhui Hotel). The project will invite foreign investment to carry out the development and construction by adopting the form of removing the company to other place and of transferring land in terms of land value evaluation. 联系单位:雨花区商务局/东塘街道办事处 Organization: Business Bureau of Yuhua District / Dongtang Street Office 联 系 人:寻伟阳 陈怀柏 Contact: Xun Weiyang Chen Huaibo 联系电话:0731-5880217 13874951100 0731-5303678 13308482178
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