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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年09月28日 03:12 北京商报

  Sony Corp said Tuesday it will launch an electronic book store on the Internet and start selling a device that displays e-books purchased from the store October 1, after missing an earlier unveiling in the Spring due to technical reasons.

  The Sony Connect book store will carry about 10,000 books from the top
six publishers, including News Corp.'s HarperCollins and CBS Corp.'s Simon & Schuster.

  The launch of the store coincides with the official debut of its highly anticipated electronics book reader, which reviewers have said mimic the quality of regular paper.

  The “Sony Reader Portable Reader” system will sell for about $350. For a limited period, new Connect customers will receive a $50 credit to buy books from the service.

  Electronic books cost on average about 25 percent less than the cover price of physical books, a spokesman said.

  Sony's latest generation reader, announced in North America at the Consumer Electronics Show in January, garnered attention for the electronic ink technology it employs made by E Ink of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It uses new technology that allows digital text and graphics to be displayed without power-hungry back-lit screens.






  在今年1月的北美消费者产品展会上,索尼发布了最新的阅读器,它采用了美国E Ink公司的电子墨水技术,新技术无需耗能的背光屏也能显示数字内容和图像。

 董 莉  


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