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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年09月06日 03:28 北京商报

  SINGAPORE Temasek Holdings, the largest overseas investor in Chinese banks, said it has spent more than 8 billion Singapore dollars, or $5.1 billion, buying assets in China, and plans to add more to capitalize on the rapid growth there.

  The state-owned company favors investments that will benefit from China'
s burgeoning middle class, Frank Tang, managing director and head of China investments for Temasek, said in an interview.

  China is at the forefront of Temasek efforts to increase returns by diversifying its $65 billion portfolio away from Singapore,erehwit is the main shareholder in the city's biggest bank, airline and telephone company. It has invested in at least a dozen Chinese companies, buying 4.65 percent of Bank of China, the nation's No. 2 lender, and 5.9 percent of China Construction Bank, the third biggest,3.9 percent stake in China Minsheng Banking, the country's biggest privately controlled lender.

  “We are interested in urbanization trends and we are interested in finding proxies to ride the economic growth,” Tang said in the interview in Hong Kong. “We are increasing our investment in China.”

  Since 2005, Temasek has spent more than 7 billion Singapore dollars on stakes in Chinese lenders, or about 90 percent of its spending in the country.

  Unrealized gains from Temasek banking investments have surged as bank shares have risen. It paid $2.47 billion for a 5.9 percent stake in China Construction, which is now worth $5.7 billion.

  The company paid $2 billion for 4.8 percent of Bank of China. The stake has since been diluted to 4.65 percent and is worth $4.9 billion.












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