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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年09月01日 00:28 北京商报

  Bleach and household products maker Clorox Co. on Wednesday named Donald Knauss, the departing president of Coca-Cola Co.'s North American operations, as chairman and chief executive, effective October.

  Coke had earlier on Wednesday announced Knauss' departure and said he would be replaced by J. Alexander Douglas, Jr., the beverage company's chief cus
tomer officer.

  Knauss, 55, succeeds Robert Matschullat, who has served as Clorox's interim chairman and CEO since March, when Gerald Johnston stepped down from those positions following a heart attack. Clorox said Matschullat will serve on its board of directors.

  Knauss, who started his career at Coca-Cola in 1994, has also served as president for Coke in Southern Africa and has held executive posts in its Minute Maid unit.






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