通用计划开发节油涡轮柴油发动机 | |||||||||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年08月28日 01:48 北京商报 | |||||||||
General Motors Corp. said it would introduce a new V-8 turbo charged diesel engine as early as the 2010 model year that would improve the fuel efficiency of its light-duty pickup trucks in the U.S. by 25%. The diesel will be able to meet stringent California emissions standards, enabling GM to sell diesel-equipped light-duty trucks — and sport utility ve
美通用汽车表示,公司最早将在2010年推出使用八缸涡轮增压柴油发动机,这种发动机将使公司轻型皮卡车的节油效率提高25%。 柴油发动机能够满足加州严格的废气排放标准,使通用能在将近50个州销售安装该种柴油发动机的轻型皮卡车和SUV。 |