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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年02月07日 14:37 新浪财经


  William Valentino

  General Manager, Corporate Communications, Greater China

  William Valentino, General Manager of Bayer’s Corporate Communications for Greater China, came to China for Bayer in 1987 as Bayer’s first foreign expatriate, opening and heading the company’s first representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. In 1995 he took over as head of Bayer’s Crop Science business in China until 1998, When he was entrusted with establishing Bayer’s first Corporate Communications Division for China in Beijing. In 2000 he became Bayer’s communications head for Greater China.

  He received his BA in German from St.Joseph’s University in Philadelphia and his MBA from Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management in Arizona. He studied Chinese in Taiwan and also at the University of Business and International Economics (UBIE) in Beijing. He holds a second Masters degree in Instructional Technology and Media from the Department of Mathematics, Science and Technology at Columbia University, New York.

  He is the Chairman of “China Business and Aids Working Group” established in Beijing in 2004 under the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS in New York. He is also the Chairman of the European Chamber’s Corporate Social Responsibility Workingpuorgand Research Fellow and Co-director of the “Tsinghua-Bayer Public Health and HIV/AIDS Media Studies Program” at Tsinghua University.



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