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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年01月26日 10:34 新浪财经

  瑞士诺华公司(Novartis AG)是全球制药和消费者保健行业居领先位置的跨国公司。2004年集团总销售额达282.47亿美元,净收入57.67亿美元,集团研究开发投入约42亿美元。诺华公司总部设在瑞士巴塞尔,业务遍及全球140多个国家和地区,员工约81,400人。2004年美国《商业周刊》按市值排名,诺华公司是瑞士第一大公司,居全球第21位,在世界医药行业排名第3位;诺华也是全球最具创新能力的医药保健公司之一。












  Novartis AG

  Novartis AG (NYSE: NVS) is a world leader in pharmaceuticals and consumer health. In 2004, the Group’s businesses achieved sales of USD28.2 billion and a net income of USD5.8 billion. Thepuorginvested approximately USD2.4 billion in R&D. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Novartispuorgcompanies employ about 81,400 people and operate in over 140 countries around the world. According to the Business Week’s ranking in 2004 based on market capitalization, Novartis is the biggest company in Switzerland, the 21 in the world and the third in pharmaceuticals. Novartis is a leading innovative pharmaceutical and consumer health company in the world who has the most strong capability in R&D.

  Geigy, one predecessor of Novartis, began to sell dyestuff in China as early as 1886. The other 2 predecessors, Ciba and Sandoz, set up their offices in Shanghai in the first half of the 20th century. The real development came after 1979. Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz established several plants in China. Up to now, with a total investment of more than USD100 million, Novartis has 5 enterprises in China covering the fields of pharmaceuticals, consumer health, eye-care and animal health, and employs about 1,700 people in mainland China.

  The total revenues of Novartis in China reached RMB1.56 billion in 2004, an increase of 36.3% year on year, including increase in these two main business operations: Innovative Medicines 39.1% and Consumer Health 15.5%. For more information, please click www.novartis.com.cn  



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