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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月26日 14:17 商务部网站

  继肯海关取消装船前检验做法后,肯标准局对进口货物的检验又有新措施。根据肯尼亚标准局(Kenya BureauofStandard)发布的公告(公告详细内容请见http://www.kebs.org/Notice%20to%20importers.htm和附件),从2005年7月1日起,所有进入肯尼亚的商品都必须出示产品测试报告或者证书,才能办理清查。此类报告或证书须由具有ISO/IEC17025体系授权的实验室、国际实验室认可合作组织(theInternationalLaboratory Accreditation Co-operation,ILAC)或国际检验机构联盟(theInternational Federation of InspectionAgencies



  ETL Semko Shanghai Ltd

  (ITS/FTS Shanghai IO)

  16th Fl, Fangdi Mansion,

  No.201 Laoshan Road (West)

  Shanghai 200120China

  Tel: (86) 21 6887 9520

  Fax: (86) 21 5840 1622

  Manager: Alan Wang


  Website: www.intertek-fts.com


  16F Century YuHui Mansion

  no. 73 Fucheng Road

  100036 Beijing

  Tel: +86 10 6845 6699

  Fax: +86 10 6845 7979

  Website:www.cn.sgs.comKENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDSNOTICE TOALLIMPORTERSFollowing the expiry of the Pre-shipmentInspectionServices contracts on 30th June 2005, the Kenya Bureau ofStandardswishes to notify all importers and the general public thatit hastaken over the role of verification of imports with respecttoquality.As from 1st July 2005,all goods/ products mustdemonstrateconformity to Kenya Standards or approved equivalents byevidenceof Test Report or certificate from an ISO/IEC 17025accreditedLaboratory or recognized by the InternationalLaboratoryAccreditation Co-operation (ILAC) or preferably from anyconformityassessment body recognized by the InternationalFederation ofInspection Agencies (IFIA).Importers should note thatthe availableshelf life at the time of entry for products with adefined shelflife should not be less than 75% for general productsand 50% forpharmaceuticals.All used motor vehicles other than motorvehiclesoriginating from Japan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)-Dubai,will be subject to destination inspection. Importers ofmotorvehicles from Japan and the U.A.E will be expected to presenttheirmotor vehicles to Japan Auto Appraisal Institute (JAAI) inJapanand JAAI/CAAC in Dubai who will inspect the motor vehiclesandissue a certificate of roadworthiness, which shall be presentedforclearance purposes.Importers are further advisedthatGoods/products Imported without the above mentionedcertificates orreports would be held at the port of entry, at theimporter’sexpense, until their Quality is determined.Goods/products foundNOT to comply with the relevant KenyaStandards, will not beaccepted for clearanceotnithe country. Forfurther inquiries,please contact:The Standards Information EnquiryCenterKenya Bureauof StandardsP. O Box 54974-00200Nairobi,Kenya.Tel: (020)603888,603476(020) 69028212, 69028209Mobile:0734-600472,0722-202138Fax: (020) 609660Email:pvoc@kebs.orinfo@kebs.orgORKenyaBureau of StandardsCoast RegionP.OBox 99376-80100Mombasa,KenyaTel: (041) 2230940Mobile:0724-111113/0733333001Fax:041-2229448Email:kebs-msa@swiftmombasa.com(经商处邵伟坚)



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