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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月22日 21:54 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4675项目名称: 国家道路运输项目国 家: 巴西类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:道路复原和维护设计咨询贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-07-22截止日期:2005-08-12项目介绍:TheState of Bahia has applied for a loan from theInternational Bankfor Reconstruction and Development toward thecost of the BahiaState Transport Project, and intends to apply aportion of thisloan to eligible payments under consulting servicescontracts fordesign of road rehabilitat
ion works and maintenanceservices. Theworks and services will be executed under result-basedcontracts(the so-called CREMA contracts), and will cover about1,100 km ofthe state road network. The consulting services areexpected to bebid in two phases, over the next 12 to 18 months.TheTransportInfrastructure Department of the State of Bahia (DERBA),asexpected executing agency under the Project, now inviteseligibleconsultants to submit an expression of interest toundertake theabove-described services. Interested consultants mustprovideinformation indicating that they are qualified to performtheservices (brochures, detion of similar assignments, experienceinsimilar conditions, availability of appropriate skills amongstaff,etc.). Consultants may associate to enhancetheirqualifications.Consultants will be selected in accordance withtheprocedures set out in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: SelectionandEmployment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, published bytheBank in May 2004. Interested consultants may obtainfurtherinformation at the address below during local time officehours(08:30 to 12:00 hours, and 13:30 to 18:00 hours,Salvadortime).Expressions of interest must be delivered to theaddressbelow by August 12, 2005, at 18:00 hours(Salvadortime).Contact:Departamento de Infra-Estrutura deTransporte daBahia (DERBA).Coordena玢o Executiva de Licita玢o(CEL).Avenida Lu韘Viana Filho No 445 - 4a Avenida.CentroAdministrativo da Bahia(CAB).Edif韈io Sede do DERBA, 1o Andar.CEP:41.476-900 - Salvador,Bahia, Brazil.Tel: (55-71) 3115-2253 ou3115-2174.Fax: (55-71)3115-2146.E-mail: cel@derba.ba.gov.br.Website:www.derba.ba.gov.brNotice Number:WB1260-660/05



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