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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月22日 21:54 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4674项目名称: 可持续土地管理项目国 家: 不丹类 属: 其他资金支持: 世界银行摘要:一般性政府采购贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-07-22截止日期:1900-01-01项目介绍:TheRoyal Government of Bhutan has applied forfinancing in the amountof US$ 7.66 million equivalent from theWorld Bank toward the costof the Sustainable Land ManagementProject (SLMP), and it intendsto apply part of the proceeds topayments for goods, works, relatedservices and consulting serv
icesto be procured under thisproject.The project will assist the RoyalGovernment of Bhutan tomainstream sustainable land managementpractices in the country抯policy, planning, legal and regulatoryframework and therebycontribute towards improving people抯livelihood and economic wellbeing. The project covers the followingcomponents:· Component 1:Sustainable Land Management Planning,Policy and RegulatoryFramework established for the management ofland resources. Underthis component, the project will supportactivities related to theregulatory arrangements for landmanagement that would comprise ofnational level sector policies andlegislative frameworks as wellas local level by-laws.· Component 2:Sustainable Land ManagementApproaches demonstrated and validated inpilot geogs. The projectwill support piloting of integratedmulti-sectoral planning andinvestments in nine pilot geogs under acommunity based approach.·Component 3: Multi-Sectoral SustainableLand Management Approachesinstitutionalized and scaled-up. Thiscomponent will support theexpansion of the SLM approaches to othergeogs and dzongkhags basedon the learning and experiences from thepilot sites.The projectwill involve procurement of office buildingextension andfurnishing, computers, peripherals and specializedsoftware, baseand thematic maps, visual aid and mass mediaproduction, surveyequipment, field kits, agriculture implements,GIS mapping of pilotsites and fielding of about 65 staff months ofinternationalconsultants for land management, participatoryplanning,biodiversity mapping, and rangeland management andspecificnational expertise.Procurement of contracts financed by theWorldBank will be conducted through the procedures as specified intheWorld Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans andIDACredits May 2004 and is open to all eligible bidders as definedinthe guidelines. Consulting services will be selected inaccordancewith the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Selection and EmploymentofConsultants by World Bank BorrowersMay 2004.2Specificprocurementnotices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank抯internationalcompetitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for contractsforconsultancy services will be announced, as they becomeavailable,in UN Development Business, dgMarket and Kuensel which ispublishedfrom BhutanInterested eligible bidders who wish to beincluded onthe mailing list to receive invitations to bid underICBprocedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive acopyof advertisement requesting expressions of interest forconsultancycontracts, or those requiring additional information,shouldcontact the address below.Contact:Sustainable LandManagementProject .Attn: Mr. Chencho Norbu, Project Director .NSSC,CoRRB,MoA, .PO BOX 907.Simtokha, Thimphu, Bhutan.Tel: (975-2)351-182,351-174, 351-037.Fax: (975-2) 351-038.E-mail:norbuc@druknet.bt,nssc@druknet.bt .Web site:www.moa.gov.btNoticeNumber:WB2133-660/05



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