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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月22日 21:54 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4676项目名称: 小城镇供水和卫生项目国 家: 加纳类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:监督管理咨询贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3971-GH合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-22截止日期:2005-08-05项目介绍:The Government of Ghana has receiveda credit fromthe International Development Association (IDA) of theWorld Banktoward the cost of the Small Towns Water Supply andSanitationProject (Cr-3791-GH), and intends to apply part of theproceedsfrom the credit to pay for consultin
g services for thesupervisionof construction of the second batch of ten (10) SmallTowns WaterSupply piped schemes in Upper East Region.The SmallTowns WaterSupply and Sanitation Project (Cr-3791GH) is to providewater andsanitation facilities to about 500,000 people living inSmall Townsin six Regions in Ghana. These are Ashanti, Brong Ahafo,Central,Western, Upper East and Upper West Regions.The projectisdecentralized to the Local Government level withDistrictAssemblies being directly responsible for theimplementation ofsubprojects and CWSA playing a facilitating role.The approach toproject implementation is based on the principle of揅ommunityOwnership and Management?designed to strengthensustainability ofthe water systems.The first phase of the TechnicalAssistance (TAPhase 1) to the 10 Small Towns has been completed.Detailed designsand bidding documents using CWSA standards forSmall Towns watersupply delivery have been produced by Ghanaianconsulting firms forthis batch of 10 Small Town piped systems.Thesecond phase ofTechnical Assistance (TA Phase 2) for these towns isrequired andwill involve construction supervision, contractmanagement,facilitation of community participation duringimplementation andsome capacity building for Water and SanitationDevelopment Boardsamong others. TA Phase 2 contract will coverthese services for the10 Small Towns piped systems while the workscontracts will beorganized in Lots, according to the Districtlocations of the worksas follows:· TA Phase-2 Services Region: 1Consultancy ContractUpper East· Total No. of ParticipatingDistricts: 8· Total No. ofSmall Town Systems: 10· Total No. ofCivil Works Contracts: 8·Remarks: Each District will Award its ownWorks Contract. All 10systems are groundwater basedCWSA, on behalfof the participatingDistrict/Municipal Assemblies, hereby invitesEngineeringConsulting firms to submit Expression of Interest forconsiderationduring the shortlisting stage of the selectionprocess.Firms withdemonstrated capacity and experience in similarassignments ofcomble scope undertaken in the last 5 years in Ghanaor otherdeveloping countries are invited to submit their profiles.Firmsshould have proven experience in both engineering andcommunityparticipation activities relating to implementation ofRural/SmallTown Water supply and sanitation projects. As a minimum,firmsshould have experience in the pretion of DetailedEngineeringDesigns and Tender Documents, Contract Management andConstructionSupervision of Small Town Water Supply systems as wellas Communitymobilization and training for community management ofwater andsanitation facilities. Given the number of works contractsexpectedto be managed, strong emphasis will be placed on soundContractManagement experience and capacity to work simultaneouslyinmultiple locations. Association between local and foreign firmsisstrongly recommended.The profiles should contain thefollowinginformation and should be submitted for both firms intheassociationerehwapplicable.a. Financial Status andGeneralQualifications.· Financial statements (profit and lossaccount andbalance sheets) for the past five years (1999-2003)·Statements onvalue of services of similar nature performed over thelast fiveyears (1999-2003)b. Experience of Firm· Information onsimilarassignments undertaken by the firm, indicating location,nature ofservices provided, client, duration and resources (humanandlogistics) mobilizedc. Qualifications and Experience ofPersonnel·Curriculum Vitae of key professional staff (permanent) ofthe firmfor on-site positions and for monitoring and back-upservices atthe home office.· Information on other availablenon-permanentprofessional staffd. Any other relevantinformation.Consultingfirms will be shortlisted in accordance withthe Bank抯 Guidelines:Selection and Employment of Consultants byWorld Bank Borrowers(Current Edition)Interested consulting firmsmay obtain furtherinformation at the address below from 09.00 to16.00 hours, Mondayto FridayExpressions of interest must bedelivered to the addressbelow by 16.00 hours on Friday, 5 August2005.Only short listedfirms will be invited to submit proposals fortheassignment.Contact:Chief Executive.Community Water andSanitationAgency.Private Mail Bag.Kotoka InternationalAirport.Accra,Ghana.Tel: (233-21) 518-401.Fax: (233-21)518-404.E-mail:info@cwsagh.comNotice Number:WB1261-660/05



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