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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月20日 17:41 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4667项目名称: 公共财务管理改革项目国 家: 越南类 属: 咨询服务资金支持: 世界银行摘要:咨询服务贷款/信贷号码:合同/投标号码:发布日期: 2005-07-20截止日期:2005-07-30项目介绍:Thisnotice appears in UN Development Business Onlineonly and not inthe printed version. Although this notice isassigned to a specificprint issue, the official publication date ofthis notice isconsidered the date that it is posted online (seebelow).TheGovernment of the Socialist Republic of
Viet Nam hasreceived agrant from the Government of the United Kingdom (DFID)through theInternational Development Association (IDA) toward thecost of thePublic Financial Management Reform Project, and intendsto apply aportion of this grant to eligible payment under contractfor thepilot Provincial MTEF consulting services.The pilotprovinces areBinh Duong, Vinh Long, Ha Tay and Hanoi. The intentionis todevelop methods of medium term fiscal policy andexpenditureplanning and execution that are feasible in thecircumstances forenteringotnithe pretion of the budget. It wouldalso be desirablefor the work on the MTF&EF to link with the5-year developmentplan for 2006-2010.The services include theassignments for each infour pilot provinces: International LeadConsultant on Medium-termExpenditure Planning for the pilotProvinces; The Consultant willspend some three months per year inHanoi for 2 or 3 years, makingapproximately three or four visitsper year. The overall tive ofthe assignment is to provide the pilotprovinces and the othersectors in the provinces involved with theMTEF implementation onthe application of the general frameworks andtechniques in theprovinces.The Project Management Board of PublicFinancialManagement Reform Project, Ministry of Finance of theSocialistRepublic of Viet Nam now invites eligible individualconsultants toindicate their interest in providing the Services. Tobe eligiblefor consideration, interested individual consultantsmust provideinformation indicating that they are qualified toperform theServices (detailed Curriculum Vitae/ Bio-Data, detion ofsimilarassignments, experience in similar conditions and details ofdaily/weekly consulting rates, covered by a Letter of Interestthatshould include any remarks the consultant may like tomakeregarding their approach to the assignment that he/ she wishedtoapply for, etc.).An individual consultant will be selectedinaccordance with the procedures set out the World Bank抯Guidelines:Selection and Employment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers,January 1997 (revised Septr 1997, January 1999 andApril2002).Interested individual consultants may obtainfurtherinformation from Background documents at the address belowfrom0900 to 1600 hours (local time).Expressions of interest mustbedelivered to the address below by no later than 1600 hours(localtime) on 30 July 2005.Contact:Attn: Dr. Vu Van Truong,ProjectDirector.Ministry of Finance.Public Financial ManagementReformProject.Suite 704, MOF Project Bldg.No. 4, Lane Hang Chuoi1.HangChuoi St.Hanoi, Viet Nam.Tel: (84-4) 971-9660.Fax:(84-4)971-9638.E-mail: pfmrp@mof.gov.vnNoticeNumber:WB2127-660/05



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