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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月19日 19:05 商务部网站

著。地址:贵州省毕节市威西路7号(地区林业局内)邮政编码:551700联系人:张槐安电话:0857-8244190传真:0857-8243546电子邮件:Huagang7@yahoo.com.cnProjectof Guizhou“One-Hundred-Li Azalea” National ForestParkConstructionIntroduction to the Entity Undertaking theProject:TheManagement Office of Guizhou “One-Hundred-Li Azalea”NationalForest Park in Biejie Prefecture, Guizhou Province is afull-amountappropriated institution at the deputy-county level, incharge ofthe protection, development, construction and utilizationof the“One-Hundred-Li Azalea”resources.Form ofCooperation:Soleproprietorship/ cooperative enterpriseProjectType:ExpansionBackground Information on the Project:With theoverallprogram and the feasibility study report accomplished fortheproject.Total Investment:RMB One Hundred and Nine millionFourHundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand yuan (¥109.437million)ProjectDetion:With a large area and various varieties, the“One-Hundred-LiAzalea” is a precious and valuable heritage remainedby the nature,which is a rarely-seen only landscape of its kind atthe samelatitude on earth. The project has its advantages in theregionallocation; in addition, the local government attachesgreatimportance to its development; it is with good prospects.Sincethere would be no competent opponents; this project hasgreatmarket potentialities. Upon the completion of the project,annualprofit will be up to RMB10.69 million yuan, with paybackperiod of10 years; this project would have remarkable economicbenefits andsocial and ecological effects.Address:7 Weixi Road,Bijie City,Guizhou Province (within the Prefecture ForestryBureau)Postcode:551700Contact Person: Zhang HuaianTel:86-857-8244190Fax:86-857-8243546E-mail:Huagang7@yahoo.com.cn




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