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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月19日 19:05 商务部网站

00联系人:聂富强电话:0857-8223720,13985350972传真:0857-8223835电子邮件:Huagang7@yahoo.com.cnOrganicBio-CompoundFertilizer Production ProjectIntroduction to theEntity Undertakingthe Project:Bijie Prefecture Forestry, Fruits,Pharmaceutical andTea Development Corporation of Guizhou Province,a SOE, withregistration capital of RMB0.74 million yuan(¥740,000.00); its keyproducts include: Wumengshan Yunwu TeaSeries, Qianxibei typicallocal food series, and organicbio-compound fertilizers.Form ofCooperation:Equity joint venture/Shareholding jointoperationProject Type:NewBackground Informationon the Project:Withthe feasibility study report accomplished, thistechnology hassupporting technology and has been applied for thenational patentfor invention; which is being under the substantiveverificationprocedure.Total Investment:RMB Fourteen millionyuan(¥14,000,000.00)Project Detion:The development orientation oftheproject is to substitute currently used mono-chemicalfertilizers;experiments show that the organic bio-compoundfertilizers can makecrops increase the yields, upgrade the qualityand improve soils;which is a new green fertilizerindustry.Address:5th Floor of theReal Estate Company, Guihua Road,Bijie City, GuizhouProvincePostcode: 551700Contact Person: NieFuqiangTel:86-857-8223720 13985350972Fax:86-857-8223835E-mail:Huagang7@yahoo.com.cn




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