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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月19日 19:05 商务部网站

可达5000万元,可实现利润1000万元,项目投资回收期10年。地址:贵州省毕节地区黔西县百里杜鹃国家森林公园邮编:551700联系人:张槐安电话:(0857)8244190传真:(0857)8244190电子邮件:Huagang7@yahoo.com.cnTheOne-hundred-li Azalea Belt, a state forestpark in Guizhou

  Introduction:The One-hundred-li Azalea Belt isa50-km-long primitive azalea belt, covering an area of 125.8 km2.Inthe blossom season, there are more than 20 types of azaleasallover the hills and plains and thus it is known as

  “the biggest nature park in the world”. It is a state forestparksuitable for the protection of natural resources andthedevelopment of research tourism, sightseeing, leisure tourismandcultural entertainment. Besides, it has a good location: locatedatthe crossing of the 321 and 326 national highways.

  Total investment and ways of cooperation:Thetotalinvestment of the project is 109.437 million yuan RMB; theways ofcooperation can be sole proprietorship orcooperativeoperation.

  Market Forecast and analysis of returnoninvestment:After the completion of the project, the grossincomecan reach 50 million per annum, with a profit of 10 millionperannum. The payoff period is estimated to be 10years.

  Organizer:Tourism Bureau Agency of the State Forest Park ofTheOne-hundred-li Azalea Belt

  Project site:The State Forest Park of TheOne-hundred-liAzalea Belt, Qianxi County, Bijie Prefectuer,GuizhouProvince

  Contact: Zhang Huai’anTel: (0857) 8244190Fax: (0857)8244190Postcode: 551700E-mail: Huagang7@yahoo.com.cn




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