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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月19日 19:05 商务部网站

省毕节地区赫章县珠市彝族乡邮编:553200联系人:张涛电话:(0857)3222201传真:(0857)3222201电子邮件:Huagang7@yahoo.com.cnTourismdevelopment of Jiucaiping TourismAttraction, the ridge ofGuizhou

  Introduction:Jiucaiping Tourism Attraction iscomposedof three parts, namely, Jiucaiping (the elevation being2900.6meters, and hence known as the ridge of Guizhou), LuobuStoneforest (with a total area of 1500 mu) and Hongxing Village(anethnic village). With its plateau pasture, karst cave withstoneforests and Yi customs, the tourism attraction is suitablefordeveloping leisure tourism with the theme of

  “landing the ridge of Guizhou and enjoying the plateau sceneryandthe Yi Culture”.Total investment and ways of cooperation:Thetotalinvestment of the project is 45 million yuan RMB; the waysofcooperation can be sole proprietorship, joint venture,cooperativeoperation or other ways.Forecast and analysis of returnoninvestment:After the completion of the project, the tourismareacan receive 80 thousand tourists (admissions) per annum,whichmeans an average annual income of 7 million yuan RMB. Thepayoffperiod is estimated to be 10 years.Organizer: Tourism BureauinHezhang County

  Project site: Zhushi Yizu Township, HezhangCounty,Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province

  Contact: Zhang TaoTel: (0857) 3222201Fax: (0857) 3222201Postcode:553200E-mail: Huagang7@yahoo.com.cn




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