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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月19日 19:05 商务部网站

期年均50万人次,第一期可实现年收入约800万元,利润160万元;第二期可实现年收入2160万元,利润432万元;第三期可实现年收入3750万元,利润750万元。三年内收回投资。地址:贵州省毕节地区织金县尔北官寨乡邮编:551700联系人:吴学芸电话:(0857)8227562传真:(0857)8227562电子邮件:Huagang7@yahoo.com.cnTourismdevelopment of Dinosaur Valley WaterTourism Area

  Introduction:Dinosaur Valley Water Tourism Area isamongthe first few national water tourism areas (including TheShisanlingReservoir in Beijing) named by the state. There is avalley, somecliffs, caves, water, forests and stones in thetourism area.With

  “a valley, two cliffs and three bridges” as itsrepresentativescenery, the tourism area is characterized by itsmagnificentscenery, natural beauty, uncommon forms, peacefulenvironment andcompleteness in resources, and thus is praised as atypical karstwonder by international karst experts.Total investmentand ways ofcooperationThe total investment of the project is 11.415millionyuan RMB; the ways of cooperation can be soleproprietorship, jointventure or other ways.

  Market Forecast and analysis of return oninvestment:Itis predicted that in the near term, the average annualtouristswill reach 160 thousand admissions, and in the mid termthat figurewill become 500 thousand admissions. At the first stage,the annualincome will be about 8 million yuan RMB, with a profit of1.6million yuan RMB; At the second stage, the annual income canreach21.60 million yuan RMB, with a profit of 4.32 million yuanRMB; Atthe third stage, the annual income will be 37.50 millionyuan RMB,with a profit of 7.5 million yuan RMB. The payoff periodisestimated to be 3 years.

  Organizer:Bijie Huayu Hydro-electricpuorgCo. Ltd.

  Project site:Erbei Guanzhai Township, ZhijinCounty,Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province

  Contact: Wu XueyunTel: (0857) 8227562Fax: (0857) 8227562Postcode:551700E-mail: Huagang7@yahoo.com.cn




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