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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月14日 18:19 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4626项目名称: 森林保护和管理项目国 家: 坦桑尼亚类 属: 交通资金支持: 世界银行摘要:车辆采购贷款/信贷号码: 信贷号:3604-TA合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-14截止日期:2005-08-26项目介绍:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project thatappeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness No. 616 of 16 October 2003.The Government ofthe UnitedRepublic of Tanzania has received a credit from theInternationalDevelopment Association toward the cost of
theTanzania ForestConservation and Management Project (TFCMP), and itintends toapply part of the proceeds of this credit to paymentsunder thecontract for the supply of motor vehicles, motorcycles and7 tonlorry; as defined in the World Bank抯 Guideline: ProcurementunderIBRD Loans and IDA Credits.The Ministerial Tender Board nowinvitessealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of 4 WDMotorvehicles 7 ton lorry and motor cycles as follows:· Lot No. 1:LongWheel Base 4 WD Hardtop Station Wagon, unit: EA, quantity: 30·LotNo. 2: Long Wheel Base 4 WD Hardtop Van fitted withvideoequipment, unit: EA, quantity: 5· Lot No. 3: Long Wheel Base4WDStation Wagon, unit: EA, quantity: 21· Lot No. 4: MotorcyclesandAccessories, unit: EA, quantity: 35· Lot No. 5: 7 ton lorry,unit:EA, quantity: 2Bidders may bid for a single lot or anycombinationof two lots, or three lots or four lots or all fivelots, but inany case bidders must quote for all items andquantities in eachlot.The purchaser shall evaluate the bids foreach lot and awardthe contracts ona lot-by-lot basis or acombination of lotswhichever is more economical. Bids not quotingfor all quantitiesin a lot will be considered non-responsive andrejected.Biddingwill be conducted through international competitivebiddingprocedures specified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines:ProcurementUnder IBRD Loans and IDA credits, and is open to allbidders fromeligible source country as defined in theguidelines.Interestedeligible bidders may obtain furtherinformation from and inspectthe bidding documents at the office ofthe Secretary MinisterialTender Board, Ministry of NaturalResources and Tourism, NBC Clocktower Building Samora Avenue RoomNo. 6-2nd floor (address below)from 0730 to 1530 hours (local time)Monday through Fridayexcluding Public Holidays.A complete set ofbidding documents inEnglish and additional sets may be purchased byinterested bidderson the submission of a written application to theaddress below andupon payment of a non-refundable fee of US$ 50 orits equivalent inTanzania Shillings.The method of payment will beBanker抯 check or,banker抯 draft or, cash and should be made payableto the PermanentSecretary, Ministry of Natural Resources andTourism, PO Box 9372,Dar es Salaam.All bids in one original plustwo copies properlyfilled in, enclosed in plain sealed envelopesmust be accompaniedby an original bid security in an acceptableform in the amount ofnot less than 2.5 per cent of the bid amountin freely convertiblecurrency or its equivalent in TanzaniaShillings properly addressedto the Ministry of Natural Resourcesand Tourism, NBC Clock towerBuilding Samora Ave., Room No. 6,second floor (address below). Allbids must be delivered by hand orbe sent by registered post so asto reach the Secretary, MinisterialTender board, before thedeadline for submission of bids.Thedeadline for the submission ofbids is 0900 hours (local time) on 26August 2005.Bids will beopened in public and in the presence ofbidders?representatives whochoose to attend in the conference roomof the Ministerial TenderBoard, Ministry of Natural Resources andTourism, NBC Clock towerBuilding Samora Ave, Room No. 16-3rd floor(address below), at 0900hours (local time) on 26 August 2005. Bidssent by post must beregistered. The outer cover shall be clearlymarked: 搕ender No. 44of 2004/2005 for the Tanzania forestconservation and managementproject for the supply of motor vehiclesand motor cycles not to beopened before 0900 hours (local time) on26 August2005.?Telegraphic, telex, telefax and latenon-telegraphic, telexand telefax will not be accepted.Bids notreceived and not openedin public at the public bid opening ceremonyshall not be acceptedfor evaluation irrespective of thecircumstances.Contact:PhysicalAddress:.The Secretary.MinisterialTender Board.Ministry of NaturalResources and Tourism, NBC ClockTower Building Samora Ave.Room No.6C - 2nd floor.Dar Es Salaam,Tanzania..Postal Address:.TheSecretary.Ministerial TenderBoard.Ministry of Natural Resourcesand Tourism.PO Box 9372.Dar EsSalaam, Tanzania.Tel: (255-22)211-1061/4.E-mail:fordev@africaonline.co.tzNoticeNumber:WB2059-659/05



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