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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月14日 18:19 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4628项目名称: 亚马孙州区域发展项目国 家: 巴西类 属: 人口、健康和营养贷款总额:(单位:百万美元)发布日期: 2005-07-14 工程类别:项目介绍:进展阶段:Project pretion isunderway.详细介绍:The tive is to reduce the poverty rates in thepriorityregions of the state of Amazonas by improving economicconditionsand quality of life while protecting the environment.Projectpretion is under way. Environmental AssessmentCategory:Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 83997
. US$ 200.0(IBRD).Consultants will be required for project pretion.Secretariat ofPlanningAv. Andr?Ara鷍o, 1500-Aleixo, CEP 69060-000Manaus, AM,Brazil, Contact: Ozias Monteiro Rodriguez, Secretary ofPlanning.Tel: (55-92) 2126-1227. Fax: (55-92) 642-8677E-mail:omonteiro@seplan.am.gov.br



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