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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月14日 18:19 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4630项目名称: 库里提巴市城市交通项目国 家: 巴西类 属: 城市发展建设贷款总额:(单位:百万美元)发布日期: 2005-07-14 工程类别:项目介绍:进展阶段:Project pretion isonhold.详细介绍:The tive of the project is to enhance the quality oflifein the Curitiba Metropolitan Region by improvingsubstantiallyaccessibility of the population to employment,education, healthand recreation facilities and by continuing toprovide easy accessto government services. Project pretion
is onhold. EnvironmentalAssessment Category: Environmental AssessmentCategory A. PID:82117. US$ 174.8 (IBRD). Consulting services to bedetermined.Prefeitura de Curitiba, Instituto de Pesquisa ePlanejamento Urbanode CuritibaRua do Bom Jesus, 669, CEP 80035-010Curitiba, PR,Brazil, Contact: Luiz Hayakawa, Project Coordinator.Tel: (55-41)352-1414. Fax: (55-41) 252-6679E-mail:luiz@ippuc.curitiba.pr.gov.br



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