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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月13日 17:26 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4618项目名称: 私营部门发展项目国 家: 不丹类 属: 私营贷款总额:(单位:百万美元)发布日期: 2005-07-13 工程类别:项目介绍:进展阶段:Project pretion isunderway.详细介绍:The tive of the project is to enhance theproductiveperformance of the private sector in undertaking a widerange ofnew activities, especially in non-traditional areas.Projectpretion is under way. Environmental AssessmentCategory:Environmental Assessment Category C. US$ 14.0 (IDA).Consultingservic
es to be determined. Ministry of Trade andIndustryPlanningand Policy Division, PO Box 141, Thimpu, Bhutan,Contact: Mr. SonamP. Wangdi, Deputy Secretary, Planning and PolicyDivision. Tel:(975-2) 323-579, 326-096. Fax: (975-2) 324-279,326-097 E-mail:spwangdi@druknet.net.bt Department of Aid and DebtManagement POBox 1032, Thimphu, Bhutan, Contact: Yanki T Wangchuk,DirectorGeneral. Tel: (975-2) 324-121. Fax: (975-2) 326-779E-mail:ugyen@mof.gov.bt



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