项目编号: GJZB_NO.4595项目名称: 市政服务项目国 家: 土耳其类 属: 供水/卫生资金支持: 世界银行摘要:一般性采购贷款/信贷号码: 贷款号:7312-TU合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-11截止日期:1900-01-01项目介绍:The Iller Bank has applied for a loanin the amountof Euro 212.9 million (US$ 275 million equivalent)from the WorldBank toward the cost of the Municipal ServicesProject, and itintends to apply part of the proceeds to paymentsfor goods, works,related services and consulting servic
es to beprocured under thisproject.The project will include the followingcomponents: (a)Municipal Development to support investments in thewater,wastewater, and solid waste sectors for MetropolitanMunicipalityWater and Sewerage Administrations, and Municipalitiesof severalcities and towns in Turkey; (b) Municipal TechnicalAssistance tosupport the pretion of feasibility studies, urbanplanning, pretionof bidding documents, and municipal utilityoperational improvementplans; and (c) Technical support to IllerBank Institutionalstrengthening to increase the financial andtechnical capacity.Works in connection with wastewater and watertreatment plantconstruction and construction supervision servicesare to beprocured under ICB procedures.Procurement of contractsfinanced bythe World Bank will be conducted through the proceduresasspecified in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurement underIBRDLoans and IDA Credits (May 2004 edition), and is open toalleligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consultingserviceswill be selected in accordance with the World Bank抯Guidelines:Selection and Employment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers(May 2004 edition).Specific procurement notices forcontracts to bebid under the World Bank抯 international competitivebidding (ICB)procedures and for contracts for large consultancyservices will beannounced, as they become available, in UNDevelopment Business anddgMarket, as well as Official Gazetteand/or nationalnewspapers.Interested eligible bidders who wish tobe included onthe mailing list to receive invitations toprequalify/bid under ICBprocedures, and interested consultants whowish to receive a copyof advertisement requesting expressions ofinterest for consultancycontracts, or those requiring additionalinformation, shouldcontact the address below.Contact:Iller Bank,APK DairesiBaskanligi, Project Management Unit (PMU).Attn: Mr.Efdal BARLAS /Ms. Necla AKCA.Yeni Ziraat Mah. 14. Sokak No: 14,Kat: 1,Diskapi.Ankara, Turkey.Tel: (90-312) 303-3735,303-3734.Fax:(90-312) 341-2018.E-mail: ebarlas@ilbank.gov.tr/nakca@ilbank.gov.tr.Web site:www.ilbank.gov.trNoticeNumber:WB2006-659/05