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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月12日 18:17 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4597项目名称: 广州市中心交通项目国 家: 中国类 属: 交通资金支持: 世界银行摘要:一般性采购贷款/信贷号码: 贷款号:4329-CHA合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-11截止日期:1900-01-01项目介绍:The Government of the People抯Republic of China hasreceived a loan from the International Bankfor Reconstruction andDevelopment in the amount of US$ 180,000,000equivalent toward thecost of the Guangzhou City Center TransportProject, and it intendsto apply the proceeds of this lo
an topayments for goods, works,related services and consulting servicesto be procured under thisproject. Bidding for contracts financed bythe International Bankfor Reconstruction and Development will begoverned by theprocurement rules of the World Bank.The GuangzhouCity CenterTransport Project improves access to the city center ofGuangzhouby promoting the efficient use of the urban transportsystem in anenvironmentally sustainable way. There are six projectcomponents.·Component 1, the Inner Ring Road (GIRR) (construction),acquiresland and resettles project-affected people as an urbandevelopmentprogram.· Component 2, Traffic Management and Safety,develops abus lane network; provides footpaths and sidewalks;segregatesbicycle routes; provides technical assistance; usesGeographicInformation Systems (GIS) to improve traffic managementanalysisand planning; installs and improves traffic signs andcomputerizedsignals; improves road safety by updating accidentmanagementcomputer software; monitors, manages, and integrates GIRRtrafficcontrol equipment; and invests in parking controlmanagement.·Component 3 supports institutional reform of publictransport,constructs a maintenance depot, provides equipment, andtestsselected buses.· Component 4, the Vehicle EmissionsControlProgram, introduces unleaded gasoline, inspects andmaintainsvehicles, improves the automated motor vehicle pollutionmonitoringsystem, and sets up the Vehicle Emission ResearchCenter.·Component 5 develops a road maintenance system.· Component6strengthens institutional capacity for planning,administration,and management of public programs with training,research, andconsultants.The project will include the followinggoods, works andservices:Item A: Guangfo Radial Road (ICB civilworks of fourcontract sections) (Guangzhou is seeking the Bankapproval toutilize part of the proceeds loan to finance the GuangfoRadialRoad) (Road construction works)Item B: Traffic managementequipment(NCB goods (Traffic-control equipment)Item C: Publictransport (NCBcivil) (Works for complete or part construction andcivilengineering work)Item D: Vehicle pollution control equipment(ICBgoods) (Control equipment)Item E: Road maintenancemanagementinformation system (ICB goods) (Business and managementconsultancyand related services)Procurement of contracts financedby the loanwill be conducted through the procedures specified inthe WorldBank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDACredits(http://www.worldbank.org/html/opr/procure/guidelin.html)and isopen to all bidders from eligible source countries as definedinthe guidelines. Consulting services will be selected inaccordancewith the World Bank抯 Guidelines: Selection and EmploymentofConsultants by World BankBorrowers(http://www.worldbank.org/html/opr/consult/contents.html).Specificprocurementnotices for contracts to be bid under internationalcompetitivebidding (ICB) procedures will be announced, as theybecomeavailable, in UN Development Business anddgMarket.Interestedeligible bidders can contact the implementingagency directly at theaddress below, to obtain additionalinformation, or to be includedin the mailing list.Contact:CMCInternational Tendering Co.(CMC).21F, West Wing of SichuanMansion.No. 1, FuchengmenwaiAvenue.Beijing 100037, China.Tel:(86-10) 68 99-13 96.Fax:(86-10)-68-99-13-66.E-mail:xiezheng@gtce.com.cnNoticeNumber:WB1999-659/05



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