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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月12日 18:17 商务部网站

  项目编号: GJZB_NO.4606项目名称: 沿海地区污染治理项目国 家: 克罗地亚类 属: 其他资金支持: 世界银行摘要:排水设备系统采购贷款/信贷号码: 贷款号:7226-合同/投标号码:发布日期:2005-07-12截止日期:2005-09-15项目介绍:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice that appeared in UN Development BusinessNo. 648of 16 February 2005.The Republic of Croatia has received aloanfrom the International Bank for Reconstruction andDevelopment(IBRD) toward the cost of the Coastal
Cities WaterPollutionControl Project, and it intends to apply part of the loanproceedsto payments under the contract for the supply of pipesneeded forconstruction of cca 22 km of sewer mains and network, inthesettlements of Biogradska rivijera.This contract will bejointlyfinanced by World Bank, Croatian State Budget, Hrvatske vodeandlocal authorities funds. Bidding will be governed by theWorldBank抯 eligibility rules and procedure.Hrvatske vodeJadranskiprojekt d.o.o. now invites sealed bids from eligiblebidders for:·Sewerage system in Biogradska Rivijera· Procurement ofPipes -International Competitive Bidding (ICB)· HV/ICB-B-G-1?SewerageSystems in the Settlements of Sv. Filip i Jakov, Biogradn/m,Pakostane, EMV HV 35/05, EMV HVJP 17/05Bidders are invited togivetheir bids for supplying of cca 22 km of pipes for sewer mainsandnetwork, in the settlements of Biogradska rivijera. Deliveryperiodfor pipes is 60-90 days.Bidding will be conducted throughtheinternational competitive bidding procedures specified in theWorldBank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDACredits,January 1995 (revised January and August 1996, Septr 1997andJanuary 1999) and is open to all bidders from eligiblesourcecountries as defined in the guidelines.Interested eligiblebiddersmay obtain further information from Hrvatske vode Jadranskiprojektd.o.o. and inspect the bidding documents at both addressesbelowfrom 0900 to 1100 hours (local time).The complete set ofthebidding documents in English may be purchased by interestedbidderson the submission of a written application to the addressbelow andupon payment of a nonrefundable fee of: (i) HRK 500 to thebankaccount of the Hrvatske vode Jadranski projekt d.o.o. ZagrebatZagrebacka banka d.d. Zagreb; account No 2360000-1101806157;or(ii) the amount of equivalent to 500,00 HRK in convertiblecurrencyto the foreign exchange account of Hrvatske vode Jadranskiprojektd.o.o. at Zagrebacka banka account No. 2100276366, SwiftCodeZABAHR2X. The method of payment will be cashier’s check,directdeposit to above account.On the payment certificate purposeofpayment should clearly state Nonrefundable Deposit forBiddingDocument on Contract: 揝ewerage System in BIOGRADSKARIVIJERAProcurement of Pipes - International Competitive Bidding(ICB),HV/ICB-B-G-1 ?Sewerage Systems in the Settlements of Sv.Filip iJakov, Biograd n/m, Pako歵ane, EMV HV 35/05, EMV HVJP17/05.?Thedocument will be sent by courier service or by ordinarymail at theaddress given in the written request, but no liabilitycan beaccepted for loss or late delivery.Bidder shall bear allcostsassociated with delivery of bidding documents, both byordinarymail or by courier service. If the bidders choose deliverybycourier service, preferable courier service and biddersreferringaccount number, should be noted in the writtenapplication.All bidsmust be accompanied by a bid security of HRK100,000 or itsequivalent in a freely convertible currency, and bedelivered tothe second address below by or before 1200 hours (localtime) on 15Septr 2005. They will be opened at 1205 hours (localtime), in thepresence of bidders who choose to attend, at the sameaddress ofdelivery. Late bids will be rejected.Contact:(1) Zagreb,HrvatskeVode.Hrvatske vode Jadranski projekt d.o.o..Attn: IgorIgnac,B.Sc.C.E. (Tel: (385-1) 630-7367; Fax: (385-1) 630-7657;e-mail:iignac@voda.hr).Dinko Polic, B.Sc.C.E, ProjectDirektor.10000Zagreb.Vukovarska 220 Croatia.Tel: (385-1)630-7548.Fax: (385-1)630-7657.E-mail: pdinko@voda.hr,spolic@voda.hr.(2) SPLIT, HrvatskeVode.Hrvatske vode Jadranskiprojekt d.o.o..Attn: Vesna Grizelj奿mic, B.Sc.C.E. (Tel: (385-21)309-455; Fax: (385-21) 309-491;e-mail: vgrizelj@voda.hr) or RatkoMustic, B.Sc.C.E. (Tel: (385-21)309-449; Fax: (385-21) 309-491;e-mail rmustic@voda.hr).21000SPLIT.Vukovarska 35 CroatiaNoticeNumber:WB2016-659/05



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