ZNS型夜光材料高出数十倍,杜绝了夜光材料中的放射性元素,是目前国际上的一种高新技术材料。此种材料应用范围及其广泛,很多用途有待开发,可应用于建筑材料,各种应急标识,广告及各种装饰材料等领域。项目建设规模及内容:项目总投资250万美元,年产蓄能发光材料2万吨。项目效益分析:该项目投产后,可实现产值400万美元,年可获得100万美元,投资回收期2.5年。项目总体规划:项目用地已完成五通一平。NO.21solarirradiance materials of energy storageContractcompany:Dongshaneconomic and technical developed regionLinkman oftheproject:LinYijieTel:0596-5885007Fax:0596-5885790EmaiL:detdz@detdz.comFeasibilityofthe project: irradiance materials of energy storage performthroughabsorbing visible light, and they can be recycled forunlimitedtimes. The materials contain no radiate elements, andthey arespread equally on glass, furniture, etc. to irradiate bythemselveswith green, light yellow, light green and many othercolors becausethey made by alkali aluminate. They are not onlyproper to beappreciated in the days, but also will irradiate inthe nights. Theycan absorb the visible lights below 450 nanometersefficiently,which is tens of times of the traditional dark-lightmaterial ZNSand puts an end to the use of radiate elements. Theapplications ofthe new high-technique material are very wide, andbroad fields needto be explored. They can be applied toarchitectural materials,emergent signs, ads, and other decorationmaterials.Constructionscale and contents:Total investments2.5million USdollars,production capacity of irradiance material ofenergy storageis 20000 tons.Analysis for profits:After the projectis put toproduction,annual production value can be 4 million USdollars,annual profits are 1 million US dollars,the payoff periodofinvestment is2.5years.General planning for the project:Fivepassageclearance and one smoothness has been done for the site oftheproject.