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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年07月12日 15:54 商务部网站

0亩,总建筑面积10000平方米,总投资600万美元。项目招商方式:合作、合资、独资。项目效益分析:本项目将可提高果蔬附加值,预计项目投产后,年实现产值1800万美元,年创利150万美元,投资回收期4年。项目进展情况:项目已作总体规划及可行性论证。NO.23Projectof vegetable and fruit beverageContract company:Dongshaneconomicand technical developed regionLinkman of theproject:TuCongmeiTel:0596-5885007Fax:0596-5885790Emal:detdz@detdz.comFeasibilityof the project:Dongshan is located betweentwo special economicdistricts, Xiamen and Shantou, abutting toTaiwan, Hongkong andMacao, with a first level national port andconvenienttransportation in land, ocean and air. As a provincialtestingagricultural area, Dongshan is abundant with production ofasgus,fruits and other vegetables. The annual production capacityof isasgus 30000 tons, alongside with 60000 tons for other fruitsandother vegetables, which provides sufficient sources for produceofbeverage.Construction scale:the project is to produce beveragemadeby asgus,fruits and other reputable vegetables. Theannualproduction capacity is 4000 tons,alongside with acomplementaryproduce line of 500 cans of juices. The supposed areaof land forthe project is 50 acres,total architectural area is10000㎡,totalinvestments 6 million US dollars.Bidding manner:exclusiveinvestment, cooperation and joint ventureAnalysis forprofits:theproject will enhance the additional value of fruits,itisanticipated that after the project is put to production,theannualproduction value is 18 million US dollars,annual profits are1.5million US dollars,the payoff period of investment is4years.Progression of the project:general planning and reasoningforfeasibility have been made to the project.




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